Friday, July 31, 2020

Total Relaxation Is Just A Blog Away

Oft times, I love to just sit here behind my computer keyboard and simply relax...enjoy the day...relish this very moment...and fall into a state of a faux Nirvana, even though I don't know what Nirvana is, exactly.

Why don't we do this together, my beloved readers. 

Ready? Okay.

Breathe don't think of the corona virus...breathe out...take your mind off the sagging economy...breathe in...forget about the riots and massive destruction of our cities...breathe out...escape the worries of losing your job...breathe in...sweep away thoughts about your children not receiving an education in school...breathe out...wash out the anxiety over not being able to attend weddings, funerals, graduations and unimportant events like that.

Now don't you feel better? Sure you do!!

Music helps relax the soul. Therefore, I decided to contribute a song that should allow you to descend into a pit of pleasurable, uh, pleasures, for your total relaxing experience. Listen to the following song and relaaaaaax, relaaaaaaax, relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax....

I am imaginating about how wonderful you all must feel by now, and there are no thanks necessary, my friends.

Just make your checks payable to Danny Bruce Maness, and we'll be even. 

Have a stupendous ...