Friday, March 8, 2013


White Castle





         I am a BIG fan of White Castle!       

All of a sudden I hear a cheer from one side of the room and a groan from the other side!

White Castle Hamburgers are like cats, you either love them or hate them. No in between!

I was a White Castle purest whilst growing up in St. Louis! 

I never added anything to my White Castle burger!

No cheese, mustard, nothin'!

When I could see the grease stains coming through the box I knew they would be extra good!

I'll never forget the aroma of the cooked onions as you walked into a White Castle (if you didn't use the curb service), where they were cooking them behind a glass window for all the world to see.

They had the buns right on the grill with the onions and hamburgers, so that everything tasted deliciously the same!

A perfect White Castle Hamburger could be squeezed into a ball, due to the soggyness of it all!
(I think that was a poem)

At 10 cents a  piece, 100 hamburgers were only 10 bucks!

And when we had a big family gathering it was nothing for us to order 100 hamburgers, and it didn't even phase the hamburger makers!

I was such a purest, and had so much love and respect for White Castle, I never called then "belly bombers" or "sliders," It was always "White Castles" as the employees said.

The kids at school never ceased to amaze me with their White Castle stories.

"I ate 10 White Castles!"

"Well, I ate 20 White Castles!" 

And then they had an uncle who "ate 50 White Castles one night!"

At this point in my dumb life, the nearest White Castle is about 200 miles away.

So, my craving for them is increased 200 fold!

I could eat at least 15 of them right now!

Why not? The hospital is only a few blocks away!