Out Of This World Wednesday
Supreme High Command, Uh, Commands!
Rosie - "Now that you've got the mystery of the Brady Bunch resolved, let me tell you about our next thrilling adventure.
Gary - "Brady Bunch, what?"
Rosie - "Remember? You thought the Brady Bunch TV show was a documentary and all of the actors were real earthlings that lived in the late 60's and early 70's on earth."
Gary - "They were!!"
Rosie - Gary! I already explained to you..."
At that very moment the Supreme High Command interrupt the Brady Bunch discussion..
SHC - "Admirals Rosie and Gary, you need to shut up about the Brady Bunch crappolla and focus on your next mission to Qzy-Kranious!"
Cue the dramatic music...
- one billionth of a second.
- INFORMALa very short time; a moment."he replied without a nanosecond's hesitation"
Gary and Rosie "We know! Hey! Why are we both saying the same things at the same time? Stop it! No YOU stop it! You're making me mad!!"

SHC - "You two are suffering from dual discussion delirium disorder, which occurs when Glirkazoids are REALLY freaked out. You'll calm down and stop the DDDD when you learn that we will be providing you with all of the state of the art safeguards to assure your return to Glirka in one piece! Or is that two pieces, since there are two of you. Anyway, you'll be okay...we hope."
Gary - "What a relief!"
Rosie - "That we will be protected, hopefully?"
Gary - "No! That we aren't saying the same things, now! That was driving me bonkers!"
Rosie - "So, what are some of these "safeguards" you'll be providing, hmmm?"
SHC -"Fake passports that claim you are native Ozy-Kraniousians, so you won't be eaten on site...along with a shape shifting device to disguise your little Glirkazoid bodies!"
Rosie - "But Glirkazoids are only 4 inches tall, while Ozy-Kraniousians tower to the height of 22 feet!"
SHC - "We are giving you our "industrial strength" shape shifting device! No worries!"
"We are also issuing you all weather invisible shields to keep you from emulsification, like salt on a slug, but not detectable by Ozy- Kraniousians."
Gary - "What about the bad roads? How will we survive the treacherous BAD ROADS? You know I get severely car sick, right?"
SHC - "We know, Gary. That's why we are supplying you with classic, Back To The Future, hover boards, to transmigrate yourselves to and fro about the planet."
Gary - "Cool! What about weapons to defeat the ferocious beasts? Will they be as cool as the weapons John Wick utilizes?"
Rosie - "How many times do I have to tell you, Gary, John Wick is not real!"
Gary - "You're wrong, girlie! I saw the documentary on his life!"
Rosie - "I give up."
SHC - "The weapons we will be loaning you make John Wick's weapons look like peashooters and slingshots!!"
Gary - "Okay! I'm all in!"
SHC - "Good! However, you had no choice, anyway. You and Rosie automatically volunteered for every dangerous mission ordered by the Supreme High Command when you took your oath as cadets at the Spaze Academy."
Rosie and Gary - "We did? Oh, crap, we're doing that DDDD thing again!!"
Rosie - "Alright, what's the mission, SHC leader?"
SHC- "The mission, that you've already decided to accept, is...