Monday, July 8, 2013

My Dance Of Euphoria In Peoria - Exquisite Dancing By Danny


Being the super humble dude I am, I do my level best to avoid bragging about all of my amazing talents that would blow your cock-a-doodie minds if you knew what they all were.

However, in the interest of culture, and suave sophistication, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

I am a master of modern, expressive, progressive, avant garde, jungle boogie dance!

I was taught by two of the greatest dancers in the history of tripping the light fantastic!

Namely, Ferd Upstairs and Jeans 

They were janitors that worked in my apartment building, but my they were dancin' fools!

Let's forget about those "light in the loafer's" "gophers," and concentrate on ME

Critics have claimed that these were "gay" gophers...I think not!

Most folks would never believe that an old fat guy like me could "skip the light fandango" so marvelously!

One of my favorite songs of all tom!

I was inspired to perform this classic, emotional dance number by two of my favorite YouTube friends!

Yozzie from Yoz Creative, and Tulleuchen, who is in reality, Dan Tulloh. 

Ye best prepare yourself for dancing unlike you have never seen before, in all of your born days!

Oh, yeah, I also wrote the fantabulous song!
(And everyone says I'm so dumb)