Monday, August 17, 2020

Better Nate Than Lever!

It might be too late to start my blog today! Very few of you avid readers will see this, because you expect my blog to be published in the morning and this is the afternoon...delight.

It was important for me to do a few chores this morn, and I put my blog on the back burner until right now, at this precious moment in time.

            Precious moments...who gets it? Not me!

I needed to redirt and put vegetable vitamins on our bucket mater plants, mow the semi-neglected yard, water the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (vegetable and flower), weed whip the miserable weeds, walk Chevy Weavy (aka shredder), and listen to the iconic Greg and Dan radio show through my headphones, all at the very same time!!

So, here I am now, writing my blob at 2:24 in the afternoon, CST, in America.

It just don't feel right, does it? Everything seems outta whack, disorientated and discombobulated, but somehow perfectly timed and in the groove. Right? RIGHT? 

In the groove? Have we gone back into ancient history? Next I'll be sayin' "see ya later alligator, after while crocodile, not too soon ya big baboon!"

FYI...I've decided to stop begging you guys and gals to comment. Frankly, it's not befitting an iconic figure such as me. In addition, it's kinda embarrassing for spectators who have no idea what it all means, and you ain't gonna do it anyways!!

That's okay! I'm good wit it! If you get some sadistic pleasure out of making me deeply heartbroken, I don't mind even 1 iota!! NOT~~
  1. 1.
    the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet ( Ιι ), transliterated as ‘i.’.
  2. 2.
    an extremely small amount.
    "nothing she said seemed to make an iota of difference"

Not a long blog posting today, but remember what the monkey said when he got his tail...Oh. yeah, I used that in another blog post. Never mind!

Went with it anyway! Psych!