Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The magnificent universe that God created so intricately and precisely is inhabited by zillions of diverse, interesting, creatures. Some are good and some are bad. Some are happy, some are sad. Most are just like you and me. They want to love, be loved and free! 

Here are just a few examples of races of alien creatures that show us it takes all kinds to make a universe.

The Zantac race...The Zantacs are a race of creatures that are round in shape, like beach balls. Instead of walking, they bounce here and there, and are basically a happy race. (Wouldn't you be, if you bounced from place to place?)

The Zantac civilization is not highly developed, like many others, but they are fun loving, never have wars, and their world is colorful and carefree. 

However, that has been a lure for warlike civilizations to come and try to destroy them and steal all of their resources, like gold, silver, diamonds and their vast amounts of Diet Coke, that is the most sought after treasure in the universe!

The Negabite race...The Negabites are an example of creatures who try to take advantage of weaker, defenseless creatures like the Zantacs. 

Negabites are butt ugly, cranky, bitter, and are always negative about EVERYTHING!

The 7 planets they live on are all desolate, void of vegetation, dark and dirty. All of the animals are vicious and bite each other, and the weather is either boiling hot or bone chilling cold on all 7 planets. (Hmm, I guess I would be a bit cranky, too.)

The Knownuttin race...The Knownuttin race of creatures are tremendously strong, have huge ears and 3 large eyes, that give them super vision and hearing. However, they have the unique ability to make themselves deaf and blind, whenever there is something they wish to avoid. 

This avoidance technique has allowed them to be relatively happy by not having to deal with the problems of others, but their civilization is literally disintegrating around them 
without their even realizing it!

The Esor Wolley race...(By the way...Esor Wolley is Yellow Rose spelled backwards) The Esor Wolley's are amazingly kind and caring. They are loyal to their family and friends and have really cute offspring! They are well known for their love and compassion throughout all the known galaxies! (And even throughout the Ford Fairlanes)

Like the Zantacs, they become targets for all of the evil, maniacal, villains who can't stand to see a race of happy creatures! 

Now, here is where Gary and Yellow Rose (our wonderful super heroes) come in. 

They are members of the Glirkazoid race, who are quite the exception to the rule, in the vast expanse of space.

A few Glirkazoids accidentally crash landed on Earth at the same exact time Jesus was born, became friends of the Lord, over the years, and became believers. When two of them were "rescued" from the Earth and went back to their home planet of Glirka, they spread the good news, and now most Glirkazoids are Christians, including Gary and Yellow Rose! (Most of the Glirkazoids that crash landed on Earth remained there to help earthlings to advance in many ways.) 

Anyway, Yellow Rose and Gary carry out their dangerous, adventurous, thrilling missions to help ALL creatures, in spite of their religious beliefs, weird cultural differences, strange, hideous, physical oddities, (Of course, they think we are oddly deformed here on Earth), and even financial deficiencies...BECAUSE THEY ARE CHRISTIANS! 

Yaaaaay, Gary and Yellow Rose!!

Wow! Now we understand why Yellow Rose and Gary don't care about money, fame, material things, politics, or nuttin' unimportant, honey! Their main focus is saving others and working for Jesus to help create the perfect universe! 

Next week we will enjoy yet another magnificent, stimulating adventure of OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY, gang!!!! Hope ya'll come along!!!