Thursday, October 30, 2014

CLICK ON MY BLOG by Danny Maness

Click on my blog, It will not harm you,
It may dismay, it might alarm you,
Or cause some mild insanity,
Don't be afraid, it's only me.

Sometimes my thoughts are esoterical,
But there's no need to be hysterical,
Just realize it's all in fun,
Happiness is NOT a gun! 

Not guns or wars with people fighting,
Just happy things is what I'm writing...about,
and silly stories from my brain,
Bout crazy, wacky, wild insane...folks.

Click on my blog, it ain't that rough,
I write about a lot of stuff,
I write so much you're bound to love,
At least one thing that makes you...uh...laugh.

I was born to entertain,
In the sunshine and the rain,
All you guys in diverse weather,
Because we need to love each other,
In wind and rain and stormy night,
Who just said, "go fly a kite?"

I'll fly a kite, I'll dance and sing,
I will do most anything,
To make you laugh and bring you joy,
Even more if  you're in Illinois.


We Illinois residents need a bit of cheering up, 
don't we!