Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Don't Miss "Peggy's" Triumphant Return To The Greg And Dan Show!! 

Mark this on your Greg-gorian calendar!!  

Tomorrow...Dec. 23...7:25 am...The lovable lush of Latvia, Peggy, will return to the iconic Greg and Dan Radio Extravaganza for his traditional Christmas and Gork on Donny Days wishes! 

Here is the precious link to the amazing Greg and Dan Show...⬇

It's snot Christmas until you hear Peggy's annual Christmas/Gork on Donny Days message of good will and peace!

Okay, I know that's early for some of you, but lest we forget, that's LATE for all of us who rise at 5:15 am for no apparent reason! 

You all can thank me later for the impotent reminder!!!

Merry Christmas, and happy Gork on Donny Days!!!!