Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Please click on the phone ringing sound to re-live the moment from last episode!!

When the special Glirkaphone rings, Yellow Rose and Gary rush to it, because they know it is something very impotent! Impotent? I mean, important!! 

Rosie gets there first, as usual, and excitedly answers...

Rosie - "Hewwo!" (Rosie has a slight speech impediment when she's excited.) "Yes, this is Wosie. You don't say! You don't say! YOU DON'T SAY!!! Bye, bye!!"

Gary - "Who was it, Rosie!!"

Rosie - "He didn't say! Ha, ha ha, just kiddin' ya, ole pard! It was Big Gaz, callin' from the planet Earth! He said, "BEWARE THE PUPUNITE MINES (this was said with a big echoing sound effect, for emphasis), they cave times! Wow! he even made a rhyme, like Rhymesauce!"
The amazing profit, er..prophet, Big Gaz!!

Rhymesauce...Master Rhymer of the Universe!!!

Gary - "That makes no sense to me, Rosie! What mines could he be talking about? Where are they? What do they have to do with us? And...what the heck is pupunite?"

Rosie - "Didn't you read the last issue of Super Heroes Gazette?" 

Gary - "Are you kidding? I haven't READ anything for two millennium! Who READS anymore?

Rosie - (Rolls her eyes) "Anyway...if you had read it, you would know that the pupunite mines are on the planet of Zaddy-Oh, and pupunite is a purple mineral that can be utilized in a thousand different ways; for rocket fuel, fertilizer, hairspray, whipped topping, desalinating sea water, relieve an upset tummy, loosen rusted bolts, and the list goes on and on! However, the vicious, smelly, grotesque monster, Mayness The Aaness, has enslaved the inhabitants of Zaddy-Oh to work in the mines until they drop! What does that have to do with us? I think that...
(The glirkaphone begins to ring again)

Wow, it changed color and looks a lot different! It must have morphed! 

This tom, Gary wins the race to the phone by tripping Rosie!

Gary - "Yellow! Yes, this is Admiral Gary, of the Silver Sausage Spazeship. How may I help you? Uh huh...okay...REALLY...interesting...
very have a nice day as well...taaa."

Rosie - (Picking herself up off the floor) "Who was that, Gary?"

Gary - " Oh, it was just the Supreme Glirkhead, sending us on another suicide mission to that Zaddy-Oh planet you were talking about, to defeat the undefeatable Mayness The Aaness, and free the millions of slaves working in the pupunite mines."

Another gruesome viewing of the butt-ugly Mayness The Aaness! Makes me shudder!

Now, through the magic of cinematography, we are transmigrated to a pupunite mine entrance on the distant planet of Zaddy-Oh! The camera dude, cinemotographfully, leads us through the entrance, and down , down the mine shaft, miles and miles, to the dark, dank, deep purple, humongous cavern! 

Now the camera dude slowly zooms in on a poor Zaddohwian miner who is rap singing. A once celebrated creature who was the Poet Laureate of the whole dang planet of Zaddy-Oh! His name is Rhymesauce...and this is what he is singing...

         Listen to Rhymesauce's rapsong, please!

Big Burly Miner - (In tears) "Rhymesause, dat was da mos beauteous rhymin' I ever hoid! Specially da part about da ghettos, Bro!"

Rhymesauce - "Do you mean...People out here, it's like they don't even know the outside world exists. Might as well be living on the freakin' Moon. There's all kinds of ghettos in the world. It's all one ghetto, man, giant gutter in outer space?"

Big Burly Miner - (Still crying) "Yeah, dats it, Rhymesauce, dats da part I liked da bes!"

Rhymesauce - "Well, I didn't write that, man. It's from an Earth HBO show called True Detective, but I know what you mean, big man.
"Working in these pupunite mines, in almost total darkness, with purple pupunite dust filling our eyes, nose and lungs is like a disgusting ghetto, man, a stinking, giant gutter in outer space!
"Ya know, I used to be a celebrity, man. They called me "Master Rhymer of the Universe! Creatures across the entire universe would read my rhymes, until Mayness The Aaness sent his goons to enslave me in these sickening purple pupunite mines! I HATE PUPUNITE! I HATE MAYNESS THE AANESS! WHY DOESN'T SOMEBODY COME TO SAVE US!!"

Big Burly Miner - "Calm down, Rhymy, look on da bright side, ya got me!!

Big Burly Miner

A dark, handsome creature, dragging a ball and chain that's locked around his ankle, makes his way over to Rhymesauce . This is Manolis.

Manolis - "Ha Ha! You also have ME, my friend! I may not be able to sing to stadiums of millions of creatures anymore (cough, cough), but I can bring smiles to my friends! Smiles everybody...smiles!!

Rhymesauce - "That is very true, Manolis! Even when YOU are suffering you make others happy...and I am confident that after we are free from this pupunite dust, your throat and lungs will heal, and you'll be singing better than ever, to the trillions of diverse creatures in the universe!"

Manolis - "Thank you, my dear friend, Rhymesauce, however, there is one here that can make ALL of the miners laugh out loud, in spite of their suffering in this miserable you hear that laughter? It must be the funny man I was talking about...Gounderus!"

Gounderus - (In a makeshift wig and talking in a child's high pitched voice) "I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY...have to pee!"

All the miners within the sound of his voice just roar with laughter!

Manolis - "Goundy! Come over here for a minute, my friend!"

Gounderus - "Hello, my super talented friends. who bring so much happiness to others with your magnificent talents, superior wit, and good looks! How's it hangin'?!"

Everyone laughs robustly at Goundy's "how's it hangin' line," and they don't even know why!

At this very moment, we are transmigrated back to the Silver Sausage Spazeship where Gary and Rosie are packing things for their mission to Zaddy-Oh,

Gary - (Trying to squeeze his emulsificator gun into a suitcase)"Have you figured out how we are going to eliminate Mayness The Aaness, Rosie?"

Rosie - "Might as well not even pack your emulsificator, Gary. Emulsification does not work on Geltoids, and Mayness The Aaness is a Geltoid through and through!"

Gary - "Then how will we destroy him, Rosie?"

Rosie - "I'm researching that. There must be some way to put his lights out." 

Gary - "Put his lights out? I thought we were going to waste him, make him room temperature, deep six the dude, fit him for a pair of cement over shoes..."

Rosie - "You've been watching way too many old gangster movies, Gary!"

How will Mayness The Aaness be turned into a piece a dead meat?

Will Rosie find the weapon to obliterate this monstrous, slaveholder?

Visit us next week for another adventurous episode of...


Gounderus The Great