What Will We Do In 2020?
I rarely do a serious blog article, but today, New Year's Eve, 2019, is no exception!

First...make a list of all the things you did wrong, mistakes you made, nasty personality disorders you displayed, and self harming, addictive behavior you gave in to in 2019.
You may need a LOT of paper, unless you do the list on a computerized device. I know, I'll need a LOT of paper!!
After that, gaze at your list and think about all that bad crap you did in 2019 and even before that, and after THAT, shred all that negative behavior in a shredder, or give it to your cat or dog to shred, which will symbolize eliminating all of that stupid behavior!
Then, get on your knees and pray to God, fervently, to give you, the willpower to be a decent person in 2020, instead of a selfish, self centered, heartless jerk, like, uh..some folks that will remain anonymous, to protect the not so innocent.
I know what you're thinking right now. You're thinking Danny is actually talking about himself, but is too ashamed to admit he's not perfect, and needs to improve by a huge margin in 2020.
Look how innocent I am...or was!
Hey! Who's writing this blog, anyway? Let's put our laser-like focus on YOU, and take the spotlight off the man behind the curtain!
Let's not waste a nano second of Tom...
Tom Smothers
1. Go get a LOT of paper or computerized device.
2. Get a pen, if you're going the paper route.
3. Begin writing your past mistakes of 2019. (This may take hours)
4. Ponder over them until you can't stand it.
5. Shred or delete the list.
6. Pray incessantly to trash the past, and move forward to the future in peace and lovableness!
Easy peasy!!
I hope this blog posting will change your life forever, for the BETTER!
This is worth a listen, folks!
As for me...I may need to take a trip to Carter Paper And Packaging for a whole roll of paper!!