Tuesday, January 11, 2022

My Blog Puts The Fun In Funny!

I don't really think my blog is so wonderful that it puts the fun in funny, but I thought the title might draw in some unsuspecting victims, I mean readers, who are lacking fun. 

Of course, fun is so subjective, right?

See definitions in:

  1. 1.
    based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
    "his views are highly subjective"

For one person, fun is going to a museum to look at old stuff, but to another individual, fun is going to an AC DC concert, if they still exist. 

Then there are others, like me, who would enjoy both at the same tom! (Who's Tom?)

Picture this...strolling through an art museum, perusing the paintings, sculptures and such, with AC DC banging out Back In Black in the BACKground!! 

So, if you are reading this blog right now, ask yourself this question...
Well, do you?

I'm sorry, that was NOT the question. The REAL question is, are you having fun reading this nonsense? 

Well, sure you are!! Why? Because you're as goofy as me!!! 

Thanks for dropping in, again!!!