Monday, April 14, 2014


It is WAY past my bedtime, and so my mind is not working as deficiently as usual!

It's 9:38 P.M.

However, MANESS MUSIC MONDAY MUST go onward and upward to the highest level of musical, um...uh, let's see... EPITOME...yeah, that's it...EPITOME...that rhymes with an Epiphone guitar!

Where was I? This sleep degradation is really screwing up my, usually, razor sharp cerebral cortez.

My NEW SONG! Ha! I merembered! here's the story...

This could, very well, end up being my signature song!

What do you mean, what's a signature song? 

Where you been, living on Goofy Ridge? 

For instance, Bob Hope's signature song was "Thanks For The Memories"...or was that his theme song? 

Now I'm not sure! Remember, I'm sleep depraved! 

Anyway, your signature song is one that people identify with you, as YOUR personal, special song, that kind of describes how you feel about stuff, and think...Hey...when I hear that song I think about Chris Martin (Yellow), or Dean Martin (Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes) or Paul McCartney (Yesterday) or The Lone Ranger. (The William Tell Overture)

This song that you are about to hear( "Now I'll Go Back To Sleep and Just Dream On"), that I just wrote, is the one that BEST describes my deepest thoughts, feelings, emotions, dreams, imaginations, desires, hopes, uh, umm, I don't know...lot's of stuff! 

So I think history will prove that this was my signature song, long after I'm way down under!

Hopefully, Australia!

Please take tom to listen to this! Tom doesn't get out much, so have a little patience with the big Bozo!