Whazzup Wednesdays is the time I ask YOU all the questions, and YOU tell me "WHAZZUP," with your brilliant answers!
Now, put on your thinking cap, and we shall begin.
Wait a minute, I think I'll test your extra sensory perception today (esp), and see if you're psycho psychic.
Of course, you already knew that, didn't you?
1.Did I watch the State Of The Union Address last night?
a. No, you watched the dog show.
b. No, you trimmed your toenails.
c. Yes, but you played a drinking game where you took a drink every time the politicians stood up and gave that stupid fake applause.
2. What am I wearing right now?
a. P. J'S.
b. A Samurai Warrior outfit.
c. I may be psychic, but I don't want to see that !!
Don't turn on the lights, 'cause I don't wanna see!
3. What am I drinking at this moment in tom?
a. Coffee.
b. Orange juice.
c. Beer.
d. Double tin and gonic.
e. Who's tom?
4. How am I feelin' today?
a. Better than I deserve.
b. With my fingers.
c. Like Peter Frampton.
d. Like Mary Tyler Moore going through menopause.
e. Like Jim Nabors going through menopause.
5. What am I thinking about right now?
a. White Castle's.
b. Jennifer Lopez
c. The neuropathy in my feet.
noun \n(y)u̇-ˈräp-ə-thē\
Medical Definition of NEUROPATHY: an abnormal and usually degenerative state of the nervous system or nerves; also : a systemic condition (as muscular atrophy) that stems from a neuropathyDisorder of the peripheral nervous system. It may be genetic or acquired, progress quickly or slowly, involve motor, sensory, and/or autonomic (see autonomic nervous system) nerves, and affect only certain nerves or all of them. It can cause pain or loss of sensation.
Well, it hurts like crazy!!
6. What are my plans for today?
a. To develop a new process to turn yucky water into pure water at no cost, to help thirsty people all over the whole wide worm.
b. Wash my shoes. (Our sewer backed up recently)
c. Muse
d. Snooze.
e. Sing da blues.
f. Write a symphony to uplift the poor downtrodden people who are looking for somethin', anythin', to make 'em feel just a little bit better about their worthless, miserable lives.
a. To develop a new process to turn yucky water into pure water at no cost, to help thirsty people all over the whole wide worm.
b. Wash my shoes. (Our sewer backed up recently)
c. Muse
d. Snooze.
e. Sing da blues.
f. Write a symphony to uplift the poor downtrodden people who are looking for somethin', anythin', to make 'em feel just a little bit better about their worthless, miserable lives.
Write your answers in the comments section.
But, you knew that already, didn't you?