Thursday, December 10, 2020


To be totally transparent, oft times I choose a blog title that grabs your attention to increase my readership. 

That's REALLY stupid, because my readership, pretty much, stays the same, no matter what I do!

I'm not complaining, but only making a statistically backed observation, that informs myself NOT to put so much time and effort into the stinking title!

You're most likely thinking, "Danny, what difference does it make if you get a lot of readers? The fact that we are amused by your outlandish blog is all that matters, right?"

Well, it all started in Kindergarten. I was a social loner, who kinda envied the popular kids, and thought that being high on the social ladder was a mark of greatness. even though I know that's a false concept in my old age.

Nevertheless, I must still have a slight twinge of that desire for popularity in the deepest part of my soul, which causes me to occasionally beg for more readers. 

I apologize. Especially to all of you who have stuck with my blog for all of these millennia. Never doubt the fact that I really, really appreciate your faithfulness and sticktoitiveness! 

Faithfulness and sticktoitiveness has the same meaning, doesn't it? Sorry for being so redundant and repetitive. 

I think I did it again, but that's okay and alright. 

Where was I? You don't know? Haven't you been paying attention? 

Now I merember!  

Vast, uncountable readership is a lifelong goal I need to mitigate, in this pandemic atmosphere! 

Just like the ancient story of the spider monkey and the Llama, I need to be satisfied with what I have, and not gripe about what could be!

Okay, there's no such story of a spider monkey and a Llama, but I needed you to believe there is, for some unexplained reason.

In conclusion, one in the hand is worth two in the bush, don't take any wooden nickels, look before you leap, and try to apply all those old sayings as much as humanly possible! 

They're pretty good advice, even in 2020!