Sunday, August 14, 2011


Linda said...

I loved the book "Hitchin - God's Way ....." Danny is a very funny writer with a "different" sense of humor but in a good way. I was thoroughly amused throughout the whole book - he tells of his experiences while hitchhiking through the country. He talks about high school days, hippy days, past girlfriends, and certain areas like San Francisco and Colorado - all was very hilarious! The Glirkazoids are funny, but I won't tell you more - you'll have to read it! I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to read something just for the fun of it - and I really mean its fun!!!

August 8, 2011 9:50 AM


  1. How do I buy a copy of this & other books by my friend Danny????

  2. Yellow Rose,
    If you send me your mailing address, privately, I can send you my two books.
    You deserve them more than anyone I know, my awesome friend!
    I'll even automagraff dem for ya, Yellow Rose!
    Take care my little cowgirl!
