Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Spirit Of Christmas Past

The wonder and magic of the Christmas season is something that was real to most of us in our childhood. 
We delighted in Christmas morning, when it seemed as if the Christmas tree was glowing with an illumination ten times brighter than the colored lights could have produced. 
The Christmas story of Mary and Joseph was so vivid in our little imaginations that we could feel what they went through in traveling to Bethlehem, being turned away at the motel, and having to sleep in a barn. 
We felt the fear and awe that the shepards felt when the super bright Angels appeard to them in multitudes and sang really loud, and the wise men brought Jesus gifts , and we knew what gold was, but not the other two things. 
What is my point? 
Well, when you start getting real old, like me, all those childlike feelings start coming back to you, and that's really cool!!!

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