Sunday, January 13, 2013

IS IT WIse TO a Blog PoSt  WhEN  You'RE DrUNJK?

You tell me, and we'll both know!

So far, this is not funny, is it? 

Funny can't be forced, it has to come as easily and natural as childbirth. 
Hey, I thought that was pretty good, but how will I ever know, because  I'm  REALLY DRUMP!

♫I was drunh last night dear mother,♪♪ 
♪I was drunk the night before,♪♫
 ♫and if you forgive mr, dear mother,♫
♪♪I'll never get drunk anymore!♪♪

Magaret O'Brien did a wonderful job singing " I Was Drunk Last Night, Dear Mother" in "Meet Me In St. Louis," but I couldn't find a clip of that, so here she is singing "Under The Bamboo Tree"with Judy Garland in "Meet Me In St. Louis." I think you're gonna hafta rent the whole damn movie to see it! See how they got us by the cojones?

Woo hoo! I found another girl sunging "I Was Drunk Last Night, Dear Mother", and she ain't too bad, but Margaret O'Brien was a million times more aborable!

What? Yeah, I like show tunes.
What of it! 
I was raised with 3 older sisters, and that's what they listened to!
Played with dollies? Maybe...BUT..

I was also on the varsity wrestling AND football team, mother freaker!
How's about I tear your freakin' head off and shove it up your ARSE!!!!

Sorrrry! Sometimes I get a bit belligerent when I'm forced to justify my feminine side, which frankly, I'm quite proud of, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I think proves I'm a REAL man, and reallystoned to the gills!

I was married to my first wife for 30 years, and I got married to Donna in 2008, but don't tell my first wife!

Anyway, they both told me I'm a real sensitive guy, and even though I've been mistaken for someone with an alternative lifestle dozens of times, it just shows my 3 sisters dressing me up like a Brbie doll until I was 10, rubbed off a little.

SOOOOOO...You have to be the jubdge of weather a drunk posting of a blog post is a goob thing or a bad thinb!

My bloogy futurr is in tyour hands!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Everything written in this blog should not be considered true, accurate, or coherent.
Any vague analogies, references, or similarities that may have seemed to put the writer of this blog in a less than macho position is purely for comedy, and/or entertainment purposes.
The writer of this blog was not actually drunk during the creation  of this fictional material.
If he was, could he have written this awesome disclaimer?
I THINK NOT! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Great post! You are the Foster Brooks of the internet, Danny Manny!

    1. Foster Brooks was great!
      Thanks, Marty!
      I miss your blog on the weekends, but a man has to pace himself to survive nowadays.
      I don't know how you can work those long hours and still have time to go to all of those places, come home, have a beer or 6, and THEN write a funny story about it all!
      U DA MAN, MAN!!!
