Saturday, January 5, 2013


I was listening to the very honest and credible Greg and Dan 
Radio Show, when they started receiving calls about UFO'S 
over Manito, Illinois!! 

That's right folks, MANITO!!!

Why would self respecting "visitors from beyond" fly over a 

little, insignificant place like Manito? Hmmmm?

We will approach that question later, but in my curious 

investigation, I discovered that this phenomenon has 

happened many times over Manito.

UFO Sighting in Manito, Illinois, United States on Dec. 3, 2007
Bright orange spheres over central illinois. Letting dog outside. When I saw an orange flash (Thought it was a burning star that exploded) but then all around came white flashing lights that stayed for about five minutes then disappeared. Around two minutes later in the same location the orange glow came back in that same area followed by another miles away, that's when they both lit up three across in succession then faded to nothing and then disappeared. Very large. More people had to have seen it, the blacktop was busy. It looked as though it were pretty close to Manito. Never have seen anything like it before, very strange. Enough to make me report it.


Sighting duration:
Sighting date:
Report date: Unknown
UFO appearance: formation
3 circular shaped ufo's changing formation more than 4 times, three friends saw three lights(I was one). We saw only one for a brief moment. It them split into two shapes, obviously disc like. They then merged and then formed three discs. They merged for the last time and disappeared in a huge flash. More people saw this that were not with us.large shrieking sound was emitted.

Sighting duration:
Sighting date: 
Report date: Unknown
UFO appearance: triangle
2 unknown flying objects moving, far too complex for a plane. There is no area around where missle's would be launched same as above.

What do they want? Are they here to help us or harm 
us? Are they cute like E.T., or horrible insect-like 
creatures like the ones in "Starship Troopers?"

BUT why Manito?

Here are some sane and logical reasons:

1. The unmatched bar scene and night life!

2.  They are collecting blacktop. A priceless item for the survival of their species!  
Do they eat it? I don't know! This is all here say!

                                                        Blacktop Blues

3. The "llinois' Roswell " happened in Manito, when an out of this world space craft crashed into the high school gym, and the "creatures" mated with the beautiful, young aliens from outerspace that survived the crash, to form a new hybrid race of "Manitobians" who have powers and abilities far beyond the average Illinoisian!

Click on the link to enjoy pretty pictures, and a busy-ness link to mysteriously quaint Manito!

                                Creepy Ambient Space Music


  1. I need to get to Manito after clicking and seeing what a fantastic selection of bars and restaurants to go to! Plus aliens! Great reporting, Danny Manny!

    1. Marty,
      Maybe that would be cool place to meet each other, and search for hideous alien creatures at the same time!
      Do you know how to get there?
      I think we need to take the mysterious Manito Blacktop, but I'm not sure!
      Danny Manny

    2. That sounds like a good idea, let's try for a Sunday in February!

    3. Good! We can decide place, date, time and a Manito dimentional vortex in January!
      Sounds like phun!
