Thursday, January 24, 2013


You may have already noticed how I'm using very subtle earth tones in my lettering today, because I'm beginning another new feature entitled, "Thoughtful Thursdays."

I'm sure you remember that mellow tune by the Moody Blues, don't you?
♫Thursday afternoon♪..I'm just beginning to see..♪♪

So relax, have a few beers, settle down, don't be so tense, light some vanilla scented candles, and partake of whatever other kind of recreational/medicinal  thingy you may have at your disposal, and zone out, zone out, zone out.....

Are you there yet?

I'll give you a few more minutes.

Times up!

"Thoughtful Thursdays"  will concentrate purely on sweet, feel good, comforting , soothing  things that will help you to be at peace with your own soul, and love baby animals even more than is normal.

I walked through a beautiful sunny glade during a torrential  downpour,  and the sparkling raindrops shimmered like the gorgeous tassels on that exotic dancer at Big Al's that one night, when the piano sounded like a carnival, and the microphone smelled like a beer, and they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar and say, Mam, what are you doin' here. Mam?

Try to remember the best, sunniest, beauteous day of your whole miserable life, and force yourself to believe that "day" could come again. Ha!

Try to dismiss those nasty wasty negative thoughts from your mind, like accidentally being impaled between two railroad cars, because you stupidly walked between them while they were coupling, but you are still alive, and can see your guts hanging out.

That is not cool, man. 

Have your thoughts meander to cute little kittens, baby wombats, butterflies, "Dancing With The Stars," not the T.V. show, imagine literally dancing with little five pointed stars in outer space, and feeling totally euphoric and trippy.

Would you do that for me, my child?

Just about every Thursday we need to give all the bitter, ugly, murderous, hateful ideas that have lodged in our brains, a good enema, and tuning in to "Thoughtful Thursday" will probably not help, but we can't give up hope completely!

Here is what I'd like you to remember:

You may be fat and ugly too,
Worse than a baboon in the zoo,
No money do you have for fun,
So to your head you point the gun, 
And if the trigger you do pull it,
You're safe, you can't afford a bullet!


  1. Love this new feature! The poem at the end was great and lots of fun videos. And of course: BURMA SHAVE!

    1. You make me so happy when you make such nice comments!
      I really appreciate you taking the time to tune in, and share your thoughts, Marty!
