Monday, February 25, 2013


Today's song is one I wrote to make you feel happy, warm, and loved!

I am very shy, so I love going places where I feel welcome, even though they don't no me from Adam Lambert.

That's the way I felt when I visited one of my best friends whom I've never met, last night.

 Marty Wombacher is a cool and prolific writer who has written articles for BIG TIME publications, has authored FUNNY books, been on the Today Show with Jane Pauley (Jane matriculated with David Letterman), invented the wildly popular "Trivial Trivia..idiots edition" game, AND LIVED IN NEW YORK CITY FOR ALMOST TWENTY YEARS IN POST APOCALYPTIC CONDITIONS!! (In my vivid imagination)  

Anyway, I have enjoyed and respected his writing for many, many moons, but I never had to opportunity to meet him in person until last night.

He has moved back to his home town, Peoria Illinois, and invited me over for a beer last 
night. Here is a link his cool blog below!

To make a long story, even longer, I am always nervous about meeting people because I'm basically a shy guy, and have trouble using my mouth to talk, and feel intimidated by famous people like Marty.

All my fears and anxiety were unfounded, because Marty Wombacher proved to be one of the nicest guys I've ever met, and made me feel like a long lost brudder!
                        Disclaimer: Actually no hugging took place at any time during this historical visit.                

We went to Schooner's Restaurant for their gigantic "King Tenderloin."
Marty had not been there for years, but he is so gregarious that he had everyone laughing and having a great time!
Almost like he was hosting a party!

"What does this have to do with "Madness Music Monday's," you asked so inquiringly.

Well, I'll tell ya! 

These feelings I had of happiness, camaraderie, friendship, being welcome, and just plain fun is what I'm trying to convey in my song, "Happy Time!"
 See if you agree...Click on link to feel happy:

Thanks for the great time, Marty!

We need to dodat again sometime!!


  1. Marty Wombacher sounds like a great guy for being so famous!
    Your song made me happy!

  2. Thanks so much for the kind words, however, I'm not really that famous, more so a legend in my own mind! It was great meeting you, Danny and hanging out! We'll do it again soon! And I loved the Happy Song, you're a great musician and that's a song I'll listen too when things have got me down. But right now between your post and that song, I'm feeling great! See you soon!

  3. Thank you, Marty!
    I'll be looking forward to seeing you again!
    In addition, if a talented guy like you says I'm a great musician, it must be true, no matter what everybody else says! HA!
    Peoria is so proud to have back one of it's coolest sons!

  4. This is one of my very favorites:) ❤😊yellow rose❤🎼
