Wednesday, March 6, 2013



WWWWWH Wednesdays make me happy, because I allow myself to ask YOU the questions, while YOU answer them in your own inimitable, brilliant style.

I have been particularly impressed by answers that go above and beyond the sphere and scope of the question, and show that you understand the hidden, subliminal extra terrestrial messages implied within the context. 

Lettuce begin:

1.Railroad crossing, look out for the cars, can you spell that, without any R's?

2. Why are there so few horses, but so many horse's butts?

3. 2 people get on a bus, then 1 person gets off, and 5 people get on, then 4 people get on, and 2 people get off, then 50 people get on, and 2 people jump out of a window, and then 1 guy starts singing "Fix You" in a Munchkin-like voice, while a girl is trying to balance her checkbook. 

Now, how old is the bus driver? 
Hint: He's 44! I know 'cause he's my brother in law.

4. Circa 1970, Ringo is REALLY wanting the Beatles to "Get Back" together because he has absolutely no talent on his own, Paul is reluctant, because he's tired of living in the shadow of John, and George is being all spiritual and wanting to rid his inner soul from materialistic stuff, whilst John is trying to please gorgeous Yoko, and Yoko is devilishly enjoying the whole dysfunctional mess she's created. 

Now, how many people are on the bus?

5. True or False:

a. Frogs are cute. T or F

b. Bats are cute. T or F.

c. Bris, the dog, is cute. T or F.

d. Cheryl is cute. T or F.

e. Sara-Marie Ulsund Stiksrud is cute. T or F.

f. Jay is cute. T or F.

g. Marty Wombacher is a fun guy. T or F.

The allotted time for this test has been, umm, allotted! 

Transcribe your answers in the comment box and be on your way with a happy sound!


  1. 1. Yes: "aiload cossing, look out fo the cas"

    2. Does it have anything to do with chickens and/or coconuts?

    3. Jackie Gleason is your brother-in-law? Very cool!

    4. Two of them wearing raincoats.

    5a-f: Mr. T.

    5g: That's Gumby dammit!


    1. Rule number 1! Answers are not allowed to be funnier than the questions!
      But for the great Wombacher, we'll make a reception!
      "Aiload cossing" cracked me up, brother!

  2. Frogs r cute. I don't know why so many horse buts . Maybe they r sad. I love frogs & to me they r cute. I collect frogs. I may be cute, not sure??? Sara is really cute. Jays cute, Marty s funny & u are to sweet of a friend. I think I skipped some answers ..... True, haha oh & added some & now I go so u can read my silly answers ❤yellow rose:))

  3. Forgot my happy sound..., uhmmmmm I think that was the request.
    Whoooooohooo yipeeeeeeeee. Lalaaaaaaalaaaaa & it was all yellow. Whoooo hoooo hoooooo.

    1. You collect frogs? Cool! It must get noisy there at night! LOL!
      You made me laugh out loud with your happy sounds!
      You would be fun to hang out with, Yellow Rose!!
      It's feels good to laugh, my friend!!!
