Saturday, May 4, 2013


A park ranger stopped by, and said the wind just blew the hat off his head!

Ha! They'll never catch me in my ship made from a Christmas tree ornament!!

So, you designed our new coin after being inspired by a "Journey" song?!

This doesn't look like the hotel we booked on Orbitz!

Darn it, Bobby, you dropped the cookie jar lid from the plane!

So Clark says to me, "Cousin Eddie, area 51 would be a good place to vacation!"

These crosses on the ship should fool them at first, and THEN we eat them!

911? My electric fry pan just flew out the window and started growing!

Nothin' will slip past us this tom, I got my video camera at the ready!

Aren't they adorable?! My two E.T. grandkids as a result of my first abduction!

Here's a photo of your cheap engagement ring I just threw out of the car window, cheater!!

♫If we can make it there, we'll make it anywhere...♪♪

Finnally, iron clad proof that UFOS exist, from a certified expert!

Another petrified UFO finding!

911?! Our bathtub stopper just flew out of the window and is growing to an immense size!

Would you stop showing off, Glipbop?!

And this model was only flown on Sundays by a little old lady, Venutian!


  1. Oh cool stuff Danny. I watched all the documentaries on area 51 & all the funny things folks did to say they saw ufo. LOL I really liked the drawing on the paper. best proof yet:). I do know the Glirkazoids are real cos there in your blog......<3 haha Yellow rose

    1. Thanks so much for your comment! My reply will be in the ancient Glirkazoid language, so no one will understand what I'm saying, except you!
      Glirksex squell glurbottom plyscron huugs lipsur gulrios, krecteats, magnifructos hilarium, Yellow Rose!
      Rue Ruv,
