Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am doing my best to keep Thoughtful Thursdays as it was originally intended.
Calm, relaxing, soothing, thoughtful (I guess that goes without saying), soulful, lovely, and any word you can think of that describes a restful, beauteous state of mom. 

Therefore, I hope what I'm about to say does not violate your thoughts of a peaceful paradise, as pictured in the, um, picture at the top of the page, with the blue chairs inviting us to sit down under that tree and rest a bit from the debilitating stresses of lice. 

Please do not be offended by the worms that come from my mouse, because I'm only sharing my deepest heartfelt feelings with all of youse.

So here goes...

Every day my little view counter says I receive around 100 views on my blog, but how can that be, because I only have two WONDERFUL people making comments!

Marty Wombacher and Cheryl (Yellow Rose) Merritt are these wonderful folks!

The math doesn't work!

Don't you think that out of 100 views on a regular daily basis, I would get more than 2 comments, apart  from the same two fabulous, exciting, sexy people ?!

You betcha I should!!

I do have to admit that a lot of friends "like" my blog on Facebook, like Denise, Richard , Gail, Brandy, Brenda, and a number of others, but I'm still not satisfied!! 

I want you guys to make a comment right here on my blog thingy at the bottom of the page, and hit either  funny, interesting, or cool, or all 3 like Marty usually does!

Too demanding?! ME?! Too demanding?!!

Well, it's just that Marty Wombacher gets dozens of comments and likes on his "Meanwhile Back In Peoria" blog, and I want to be just like him!!!

Yeah, I know his blog is a million times better than mine, but I'm hoping to get pity likes and comments, because you understand I'm so desperate and extremely pitiful.
So, I'm thinkin', maybe you don't know HOW to post a comment on this blog, and you want me to do some 'splainin'!

Okay, it's sooo easy!

First, you go to the bottom of the blog page where it says reactions, and click ALL THREE CHOICES...funny, interesting, and cool...if you so desire.

Next, click on the words, no comments or it might say 2 comments and hit...then go to where it says "comment as" and it will give you a multiple choice of : Danny Maness (Google), Live Journal, Word Press, Type Pad, Open ID, really won't understand any of that crap if you're as dumb as just hit anonymous and type in your brilliant, witty comment like Marty Wombacher's readers do! 
Here is an example of one of the many, many, cool comments Marty Wombacher gets:
Took my wife to Lou's on one of our firsts dates. Best drive-in-diner (Root Beers) except A&W's but very close. Happy Mother's Day> Mom Wombacher! What a wonderfully loving mother! Marty, my sister Jennie is still asking me if you remember her from fast printing and if your mom knew our folks. Today's quote "Life is a circle and your blog helps us from getting dizzy and spinning off into space." Let's have that drink soon..

Hey, who just said that I'm jealous of Marty Wombacher?!! Ha Ha Ha! What a larf! Jealous of my good friend, Marty?! Envious of his great fame and power?! Oh, wow, it's too funny to think about me coveting his exciting, adventurous lifestyle, and tremendous popularity that is evident when no matter where he goes people know about his "Meanwhile Back In Peoria" blog and tell him how much they LOVE it! 

Shoot fire, if I was out of my mind jealous of Marty, I would keep going on and on and on and on about it, and I haven't said a single worm!!!

This concludes today's episode of Thoughtful Thursdays, and if I don't see a comment from you before the day is done...

I'll be okay wit it! 

Love you guys a bunch a bananas!!

Don't you think the monkey looks like Charles  Krauthammer!


  1. No comment. Just kidding! I appreciate the kind words Danny and no one knows about comments, I think your readers are just afraid they can't top your witty posts. I get a lot of comments, like yours, which always top my blogs!
