Thursday, May 9, 2013


I have always had vivid, surreal, fascinating, dreams.

It feels as if I have lived two separate lives.

 My dull, mundane life,when I'm awake, and my exciting, adventurous, travel filled, cool life in my dreams.

However, lately my dreams have been especially vivid, surreal, fascinating, wonderful, and VERY WEIRD!

I was thinking about going to a "shrink," and have him/her analyze my freaky dreams, but I changed my mom.

I've been to hundreds of "shrinks" my entire life, and have they helped me one bit?!

Heck no! I'm nuttier than ever!!

So I came up with a brilliant concept!

I'm going to let all of my faithful blog readers analyze my dreams, because I know you LOVE me and will tell me the honest truth!

HA! Maybe I'm not as CRAZY as everybody tells me I am!

By the way, these are all recurring dreams that I've had for years, for what it's worth.

Dream 1: I'm living in a regular, normal, 2 bedroom house, and find a secret passageway that takes me to a gigantic million dollar mansion next door, that has no one living there.
I enter in the underground area that has Egyptian looking sarcophaguses, or is that sarcophaguys, and then make my way upstairs to a fully stocked, abandoned mall that turns into a Caterpillar Tractor factory.

Dream 2: I am at a concert, convention, or church...I go outside and can't remember where I parked my car.
Then I realize it's been stolen, for the 100th time!
I decide to run home, and I can run as fast as a car, and then lift off and fly! (Who needs the stupid car now? HA!)

Dream 3: I am with a deceased family member or friend, but during the dream I don't remember that he/she died.
I don't figure it out until I wake up... so the feeling when I wake up can be happy or depends on the person I  was dreaming about. 

Dream 4: I'm back in the army doing basic training, and I wonder how I can keep up with all of the young healthy guys, because I'm old, and have all my old age ailments, and I usually can't keep up, however, I made it all the way through basic the other night!
I wonder if that dream will stop now?

Dream 5: I'm working at Caterpillar, or one of the other 100 jobs I've had all my life, or I'm in high school, and I am running behind, and don't know where I'm going, and am working  really hard at some dirty, tedious job, and can't get anything accomplished, and I'm totally worn out when I wake up!

So even if you are not a "shrink," and only play one on TV, start analyzing!

Thanks for your free psychoanalysis!

WARNING: Don't go insane analyzing my bizarre dreams!


  1. Very interesting dreams and post today, Danny! I'm not sure what they mean, but it does prove one thing, you're not John Lennon as you've never had a number Nine Dream! Dream on!

    1. I was really counting on you to decipher my dreams, Doctor Marty!
      Now, I guess I'll have to give you the "What About Bob" treatment!!
      Thanks, brother! ^_^

  2. well, hummmmmmmmm!
    Alls I can say is call 911, go directly to the physch ward. Do not pass go, you do not collect 200$. Call me when your treatment is over. lol......Oh & Gooooood luck.*****************************************

    Kidding, love ya & have the best time ever. Y Rose

    1. Yellow Rose!
      Aren't you even gonna try to figure out the meaning of my unusual dreams?!
      Never mind, I don't want you to go nutty like me, Yellow Rose!! HA HA HA HA!!!
      Picking up Josh in the morning!!! Oooorah!!!!!!!!
      Thank you, sweet girl!!!!!

    2. ok...Dream 3, you miss this person & wish u could see them again & that is why your subconscious is dreaming about the deceased person:) I have dreamed my mom was alive in dreams & when i wake I am sad shes not here. Hey, this was really interesting so i decided to try.

      So Happy for u!!!!! that Josh is coming home. yeeeeeee haaaaaaaaw!!!!! Your soooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!! BIG HUG!

    3. Oh my gosh! You are SERIOUSLY perceptive!!!
      I think you actually nailed these dreams of mine, Y.R.!
      I really do feel a sense of relief!
      WOW! I am not joking!
      Love you,

  3. dream #2 i wanna
    Dream 5. inner struggle to get something done you really dont want to do...
