Wednesday, June 5, 2013


If you have been reading my blog for eons of time, like most life forms throughout the many vast universes that float in the vast reaches of a cat's collar ornament...
(Yes! There ARE multiple universes!) will already know about the alien race of tiny, but brilliant creatures that have secretly helped earth people since the time of Christ.


It's kind of funny that when I write about my lovable little Glirkazoid friends, my readership goes way down.

Here are some of the reasons I think this happens:

1. Some folks are not fond of U.F.O./ alien stuff.
2. Some people are AFRAID of U.F.O./ alien stuff.
3. A lot of you don't believe in U.F.O./alien stuff.
4. You ALL think I'm a lunatic.
5. Some of you are RACISTS!

Some of you are racists seems to be the most logical conclusion, because Glirkazoids have been subject to racial discrimination throughout the planetary systems, galaxies, various dimensions, and universes, for eons of time!
(Wait, I think I already used's about milleniums of time)

Yeah, that's the ticket...MILLENIUMS!
(A millenium is a period of a thousand years, for those of you from Goofy Ridge)

Remember what Martian Luther King Jr. said? Hmmm?

That life forms should not "be judged by the color of their skin, but by the the content of their character."

As many of you already know, Glirkazoids display an array of many dazzling, neon colors that change from one color to the next in rapid succession. 

Some creatures hate the Glirkazoids for that! 

They think everyone should be just one color, and not confusing others with the constant changes!

You probably heard about the mass torture and slavery of Glirkazoids on the planet Confedera C... all because the Glirkazoids were "COLORED," as the Confederites called them in their ignorant, bigoted manner, and it took an inter planetary civil war, to free the beautiful creatures from bondage!

Maybe you saw the news headlines where Glirkazoids were forced to sit at the back of the "flying zoomers" on Alabamus X...until the brave and iconic Glirkazoid, Posa Zarks, defied the wicked law, and led the way for all Glirkazoids to to ride proudly on the "cull shield!"

I have heard people claim the Glirkazoids smell differently, and eat unusual foods like watermetron and fried chickabetas.

Well, for your information...
Glirakazoids DO smell differently...And they smell WAY better than all those prejudiced hypocrites!

In addition, don't we ALL love watermetron and fried chickabetas? HMMM?

Sometimes I think these closed minded twerps are just jealous of the Glirkazoids, because the little critters  have rhythm and can dance their tiny pharters off!

Here is one classic example:

But let's get back to the content of their character, shall we?

Although these poor mistreated, persecuted little aliens have been "put down" for all these 
"karpects" of time, they have gone out of their way to bring culture, inventions, music, Mad Magazine, Monty Python's Flying Circus, the Beatles, and things we take for granted every day to us pathetic earthlings, because their character has real content, and true grit! (They are responsible for that movie, too...I love the part where John Wayne puts the reins in his teeth and...just watch!

So I really don't give a rat's rear end if some of you don't love the Glirkazoids like I do!

I've been writing about them since "Hector was a pup," and I'll keep writing about them "until the cows come home!"

The Glirkazoids love our quaint old sayings!


  1. Martian Luther King? Ha ha ha! Too funny, Danny, great post!

  2. I love the way you don't miss the little subtleties in my weird writing!
    Thank you, Marty!

  3. I LOVE True Grit & John Wayne:) My fav scene in the movie. I love Glirkas gone wild!!!!!! LOL, toooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee. I love watermelon, I just ate some. Chicken is ok. & I love you. Hey this was a pretty darn cool blog! Yellow roseeeeeeeeeeee

  4. Yellow Rose! I'm glad you finally broke down and admitted that you love me! It's a good thang yawl don't know what I'm REALLY like!! Just kidding! I love you a very proper, decent, untouchable, honorable way! I'm too old and weak for anything else! HA! Take care, Texas girl!!! YEEEEHAW!!!
