Sunday, September 8, 2013


I'm sorry I didn't use my natural ability to play sports to get a higher education.

I'm sorry I didn't pursue my dream of becoming an entertainer 40 years ago.

I'm sorry I didn't maintain a healthy weight and maybe avoid diabetes.

I'm sorry I didn't treat my sister better in high school.

I'm sorry I still lose my temper and upset my family.

I'm sorry I didn't come to the rescue of that bear at the St. Louis Zoo, that some cruel guys were throwing lit cigarettes at, but I was too high on "acid" to help the poor thing.

I'm sorry I never made enough money to help my family in St. Louis.

I'm sorry I never went to Vietnam with my buddies.

I'm sorry I've spent money foolishly over the years instead of saving. 

I'm sorry I didn't visit my mom more.

I'm sorry I didn't show more respect and appreciation for my dad.

I'm sorry I've hurt those closest to me, and don't know how to fix it.

I'm sorry I introduced people to drugs in the past, and it caused them and their families misery and pain.

I'm sorry that I still have angry, immoral, selfish, covetous thoughts, even though I am a Christian.

God please forgive me!


  1. I love this! FORGIVENESS! Its cool God Luvs us no matter what. He forgives & forgets. Our past sins are in the sea of forgetfulness. I'm happy that we can start over in life. We can wake up each day knowing we are covered with the love of God. Each sunrise is a symbol to me that it's a new day & we can choose this day to enjoy, love, bless others, have peace & throw even our regrets away. I woke up & found a blessing just waiting here for me & YEP u guessed it, My friend,Danny! This blessed me because it reminded me that no matter where I've been, what I've done, It's A NEW DAY THAT THE LORD HATH MADE. Have a happy Sunday. See ya after church. Thanks for your prayers. I feel better this morning. Yer Bff Yellow Rose

  2. You truly are a blessing to me, Yellow Rose! Thanks for your words of wisdom and truth! However, I STILL wish I would have kicked the asses of those guys at the bear pit...and then threw them in with the bear! Peace and good health to my BFF!
    Luv ya,

    1. Ok if u can be that honest about those guys at the bear pit, which I cant blame you for wantin to kick ass. That was terrible abuse the kids were doing. :( no excuse for human or animal cruelty! ever!

      Ok I confess................

      I'm sorry my sister hit me on the nose & had to get stitches when we were little. I don't regret beating the snot outta her later on.

      I am sorry for hiding all moms silverware in my sisters closet instead of washing it. Peeeueeewww ,it was a smelly find later on because the pot I hid the forks in was a pot of beans out of the fridge. haha

      I don't regret holding a little boy down in the 3rd grade & kissing him in front of all the kids at recess. I sure got in trouble. haha
      I do regret not kissing him again & causing him to be even more embarrassed.

      I'm kinda maybe sorry I pushed a girl down cause she made in fun of how I pink. Big MISTAKE..... We all know i love pink.

      I figured u may have a laugh at these true confessions.....After all it is Sunday. haha bless u lots <3

    2. HA HA HA HA HA! I loved your confessions! The confessions of an angel! AWESOME!
      You are so funny, Yellow Rose!
      Have a wonderful Sunday!
