Tuesday, October 1, 2013

With all my heart,

This is what I pray,

That you are happy,

 and healthy,




  1. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanny!!!
    How SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is a very nice Blog:) AMEN! Yellow Rose

    1. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank
      Cheryl! Hope you're feelin' good today! ^_^

    2. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!!! Iv'e got to be well so I can comment, encourage, & keep a smile on my friends faces from far away. :). I love people & know I have a mission on this earth. It's a desire in my heart to help others. That is what God would have me do. Bless U & Your very lovely family! I pray for your Grand-kids all the time & put Breanna on the church list. My pastor told me one day he was happy to see me put in so many prayer requests. I put all my facebook friends in need on the list.:) When some one's sad or sick or need a job, U name it & I will pray. I wish I had a place for prayer requests on my website. I may invent one. :) lol. Your friend in Christ Jesus, Cheryl

    3. You are succeeding in your mission very well, Cheryl! I can name a number of folks who have been blessed by your prayers and encouragement, including my family!
      A ray of sunshine, is what you are, for Manolis, Gounderus, Kate, and people near and far! Yaaay, Yellow Rose!

  2. Hi, Dee-Dee! Thanks for the comment! I hope you guys are well, and HACKY!!! LOL! ^_^

  3. Oh thank you so much, I need some of that lately !!! :)))
    Dee Tom

    1. Thank you for commenting all the way from "the land down under!" AWESOME!!!

  4. Honey I pray for you everyday and Thank God for you everyday! Also, I pray for my family and friends!

  5. Thank you, babe! I need all the prayers I can get! LOL! Seriously, the kids and grandkids have gone through trials and hardship that many never experience their whole lives, your prayers make have made a big difference for sure! Love you! Thank God for you, I pray for you every day!
