Thursday, December 19, 2013


I don't know much about Oscar Wilde, but his quote below is one of the most profound things I have ever read!

How often have we said, "What does she see in him?"
Or maybe, "What does he see in her?"

According to Mr. Wilde, it's not in the seeing at all that makes us love someone. It's all in the hearing! However, not hearing with our ears, but with our hearts.

Everyone has an inner song they sing that only they can hear, but at times, in some beautiful, magical way, God allows another person to hear that song.

No amount of wealth, beauty, poverty, shabby or fancy clothes, hot cars, deformities, poor grammar, skin color, nationality, or ANYTHING, can overrule the powerful attraction of that inner song that only you can hear in that special individual.

What a special gift God gives when he let's us hear the inner song of someone who, on the surface seems ordinary, but then he allows us to hear the most beautiful, awesome, magnificent song pouring out from their wonderful, loving soul! 

Not a song with words and music, but one of the spirit, of feelings, born of pain and joy, of laughter and crying, that touches not your ears, but the deepest part of your heart.

Have you heard that song from another?

If so, God has blessed you beyond compare!


  1. This is so true, we do hear with our hearts. Hey even more so here on the web maybe. Its so cool to know & love from the heart.

  2. I feel blessed that we hear each others song! That does not happen very often, but when it does, I truly believe it's God's doing! God bless you, Yellow Rose!

  3. God gave me a special gift and that's you! I'm so blessed I have a husband that sings from his heart!! I love you!!
