Saturday, March 8, 2014


My review of the movie..."Gravity."

I really don't enjoy being an iconoclast (well, actually I do), but "Gravity" left me without any uplift at all!

A lot of cool special effects, but the movie reminded me of all the old episodes of "Sea Hunt," where Mike Nelson (aka Lloyd Bridges) was ALWAYS running out of air!

In my dysfunctional opinion, the story was weak, George Clooney's acting was, uh...well...George Clooney, and Sandra Bullock did not do nearly the acting job she did in "The Blind Side."

I'm not saying that all of you billions who LOVE the movie are wrong (I also can't stand "The Godfather"), you simply have a higher developed sense  of  what is technically proficient and cool than me.

The dream/hallucination scene, where "Matt" knocks on the porthole and climbs in was pretty obvious and ridiculous, and Ryan's ability to survive the countless number of sure death scenarios, making her way to the Russian and Chinese vehicles, AND being able to operate them so well that she made her way back to earth safely, was too hard to for me to believe.

In addition, with the thousands of square miles of ocean, she lands within a short swim away from land, which reminds me of what a crappy ending it was!

Where was she? Did she find any people there? What was she gonna do for food? 

I apologize for being so "old movie," but I like movies like "Conagher," that has some real awesome action, a great story, well developed characters that you grow to love (or hate), memorable dialog ( like when Conagher is talking to the young kid about going back home and settling his debts), and a moral to the story.

Nope, "Gravity" really didn't do much for me, except make me want to gasp for air. (Physically and mentally)

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