Friday, March 28, 2014

Gwyneth Paltrow - Chris Martin
Conscious Uncoupling Is NOT 

Imagine you're beautiful, sexy, adored, talented, admired, and EVERYONE wanted you...all the time...every day...24/7!! (I don't have to imagine it, but you do.)

That is exactly the way it is for super stars like Gwyneth and Chris.

How long could you resist, if gorgeous, beauteous people were incessantly bugging you for a kiss...or whatever?

Now I'm not accusing both of them of infidelity, like the rumor mills are grinding out incessantly...oh, wait...I already used the word's about, without ceasing! But you and I both know that the star studded crowd of Hollywood/Rock Star types think extra-terrestrial affairs are as common as toenail fungus! ( Just ask E.T.)

The conscious uncoupling of Paltrow and Martin may be compared to the conscious uncoupling of Martin and Lewis so many years ago.

Dean Martin was a sexy, handsome crooner (not unlike Chris Martin), and Jerry Lewis was an actor, comedian, who was not too sexy,, maybe there's no real comparison, but I gave it a go, as they say in the United Kingdom...sometimes.

Anyway, who knows what might happen in the future? 

Maybe they'll get back together like a lot of celebs have done! Or maybe they will start "riding the rails," like the "hobos" of a long past generation did, to abandon the "high society" lifestyle. 
Or maybe just Chris will "ride the rails" while Gweneth spends the rest of her life eating "spudnut" donuts and getting enormously fat, but not really caring because she has joined a religion that believes an alien race, from outer space (hey, I'm rhyming again, like Rhymesauce) will come to earth and turn us in to fast food!

Oh, I don't know. There are billions of scenarios to contemplate, but my point was...uh...I mean...I can't remember the point, but let's not be so hard on the wealthy, stunningly beautiful celebrities that uncouple consciously, or UNconsciously, they are exactly like we are...NOT!!

Conscious coupling


  1. Who is this rhymesauce you speak of? haha

    1. You can't be serious, Kiel! Everyone with even the slightest knowledge of super star/celebrity, geniuses are familiar with the prolific, awe inspiring works of rhymesauce! Have you been living on Europia or what?! Ha Ha Ha!
