Saturday, April 26, 2014

What Kind Of ? Would You Be...Quiz

Which Beatle would you be? 
What kind of dog would you be? 
What President would you be?
What old movie would you star in?

Have you taken one of those DUMB quizzes on Facebook yet?

They are so predictable! I always know what the answer will be before I finish!

The multiple choice questions make it totally obvious what the final outcome will be!

For instance...What Superstar Are You?

Check a box for... Rock ▄ Easy listening ▄ Country ▄  You check Rock.

Check box for...Songs about a stairway ▄ Songs about sympathy for the devil ▄ Songs about the color yellow ▄ 
You check songs about the color yellow.

Check box for... The first name Justin ▄ The first name Mick ▄ The first name Chris ▄ 
You check Chris,

Check box for...Actress Jody Foster ▄ 
Jennifer Lopez ▄ Gwyneth Paltrow ▄
You check Gwyneth Paltrow.

Then a little circle thing starts spinning around , and it tells you it's calculating the mysterious answer...and then...all of a see...

You are Chris Martin! 
(What a surprise!)

You are a free spirit who loves Rock music, mellow music, and the color yellow.

You really like Gwyneth Paltrow, English music, and the name Chris.

You love fixing things, watching someone walking on the beach, and listening to guys singing in a high pitched vocal range.

Wow! What a surprise! They really nailed it, didn't they?!

Here is another example...What Animal Are You?

Check a box for... Furry ▄ Smooth skin ▄ Scales ▄
Feathers ▄ 
You check furry.

Check box for...Ferocious ▄ Mild mannered ▄ 
Cuddly ▄ Slimy ▄ 
You check cuddly.

Check box for...Africa ▄ U.S.A. ▄ Australia ▄ Gary Texas ▄ 
You check Australia.

Check box for...Bananas ▄ Carrots ▄ Prunes ▄ Eucalyptus leaves ▄ 
You check eucalyptus leaves.

The tiny wheel goes a-spinnin' around again and surprise...surprise...surprise...

You are a Koala Bear!

You are sweet and cuddly, people love your cute face, and you think Australia would be a nice place to live.

You have never eaten eucalyptus leaves, but you would give it a try if you were offered some.

You are a little fuzzy at times, but your friends think that's adorable.

Am I the only one that thinks these quizzes are kind of silly? Oh, I hope not! 

I would never want to disturb the peace of your inner self! 

Especially since one of those quizzes told me I was Mahatma Gandhi.

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