Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ask Danny...The Answer Man

Dear Danny...Every tom I walk to the Dollar Store to buy my cigarettes, an alien spacecraft follows me back and forth, and shoots a green, glowin' liquid into my ears! What should I do? 
Signed, Clem

Dear Clem...Don't go to the Dollar Store.

Dear Danny...I have a talking dog. He can recite the Gettysburg Address, the Pledge of Allegiance, and name all of the books of the bible! Do you think I should try to get him on T.V.?
From Lucy.

Dear Lucy...He sounds a bit too conservative for the prime time shows, unless he's gay. Maybe Fox news would have him on if he could learn a few anti-Obama slogans.

Dear Danny..We are planning a trip around the world! We want to go to all of the most exclusive places, eat only the most expensive gourmet foods, bring hundreds of our friends with us, and not pay a dime! How do we do that?
Signed, Barack and Michelle Obama

Dear Barack and Michelle...That was NOT funny!