Wednesday, May 28, 2014



The opening scene shows the Silver Sausage (Gary and Yellow Rose's spaceship) simply floating among the countless number of shining stars in this little ole place we like to call the universe.

Now the camera lens zooms in closer and closer on the Silver Sausage, until it's looking right through a porthole to where we can see Yellow Rose and Gary working on something very complicated and technical looking, like a master computer, with wires sticking out, switches, blinking lights, and NO INSTRUCTIONS!

Gary - "Would you hand me that sqwats wrench, Yellow Rose?"

Yellow Rose - "Why would you need a sqwats wrench, Gary? A sqwats wrench is way too big to fit into that small space you're working in, and it's only used for removing tricanstipated electronated toilets!"

Gary - "I know that, Yellow Rose. I just need something long enough to scratch my back."

Yellow Rose - "I'll scratch your back for you, because you need to keep focused on this job! If we don't get this fixed we will never be able to complete another mission, save millions of innocent alien creatures, and emulsificate giant, ugly, stinking, evil space creatures, which is loads of fun! Right, Gary?

Gary - "Ooou...ooou! A little to the left, Y.R.!"

Yellow Rose - "Okay, enough back scratching for you! Did you hear anything I said?"

Gary - "Yes, I realize that fixing this is probably the most important thing I'll ever do aboard this ship, but  how can I concentrate when you're scratching my back so exquisitely?"

Yellow Rose - "Oh, brother! Let me give it a try!" 

In about 22 sparsex of tom, Yellow Rose had everything back together, pushed the button, and nothing happened!

Gary - "Aha, smarty pants! You couldn't get it to work either!"

All of a sudden, Gary is startled by the sound of the device working like a charm!

Gary - "Yellow Rose! How did you do that? It's a miracle!"

Yellow Rose - "Not exactly Gary. I just noticed it wasn't plugged in, and had not been plugged in from the time you started tearing it apart!"

Gary - "Hee, hee, hee. That's funny, right? My bad! 
Well, at least we can go on our missions again, now that the COFFEE MAKER is fixed!

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