Saturday, August 9, 2014

Danny Maness
Attended Pattonville High School
25 followers|223,900 views

Google tells me I have 223, 9oo views...SOMEWHERE!

I'll prove it! See where it says "about me" and shows my lovely photo? 
Click on the photo and it will say I have 223,900 views! So there!

If what they are telling me is true, I need to put more of my stuff on this blog to get famouser!!

So, I'm gonna put some of my new songs here on my blog to make sure they are getting optimum exposure!!

Also, I'm too lazy to write a lot of words today!

I hope all of you 223,900 folks enjoy my songs!!


  1. Yer truly famous & I love the song for the movie. I love all yer songs!

    1. I would rather be loved by everyone, like you are, than famous! However, if fame makes me rich, I'll settle for that! Ha Ha Ha!! UR Bu-ta-full inside and out, Yellow Rose!! Thank you!!!
