Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Gary makes a perfect one point landing on Earth, and one point out of five ain't bad in Gary's case! 

Artists conception of the Silver Sausage Spazeship

Rosie - "I hope we can get this ship back off the ground, Gary!" 

Gary - "It's fine, Rosie! Not a single scratch!"

Rosie - "You're right, "Buck Rogers," there's about 500 scratches, 12 dents, a broken phrenibbulator, a cracked cull shield, and a smashed bumper!"

Gary - "Rosie, Rosie, Rosie! Don't you remember that the Silver Sausage has the ability to repair itself? 

At that, the Silver Sausage begins twisting, turning, creaking, tweaking and slowly repairing itself...just like Christine, the creepy car! 

Rosie - "Lands sake...THAT really creeps me out, Gary!"

Gary - "Lands sake? Where did you get that expression, Rosie!"

Rosie - "I was looking at an ancient book, entitled,"Cool Earth Expressions That Will Help Glirkazoids To Blend In On Earth!"

Gary - "Uh...okay. Anyway, we need to find Benny, grab the treasured 45 rpm record, and get it back to our home planet, Glirka, for safe keeping!"

Rosie - "I cannot wait to listen to Elvis sing, "I kissed a Glirkazoid And I liked It" on that old 45!"

Gary - "Are you crazy? 
"One...We are not permitted to listen to that song! Two...The old 45 is too fragile to be played by amateurs like us!
Three...We don't have a cockadoodie record player...dang it!"

Now we see our intrepid warriors going door to door in Paducah, Kentucky, asking for Benny, and they are getting sore tired until THIS happens...

(Rosie and Gary approach an old southern mansion on the outskirts of Paducah, and Gary knocks on the door. An ancient looking man (who looks a lot like Elvis) opens the door...

Gary - "We are looking for Benny!"

Old geezer - "Why, I'm Benny!"

Then Gary says the secret code message to him.

Gary - "Muse is hot!" (No response from the old geese!) "I said, MUSE is HOT!" (Still no response!)

Rosie - "Gary!! It's not MUSE is hot, it's COLDPLAY is hot!!"

On hearing that, "pops" responds with, "so is Texas in July," and he hands Rosie the priceless 45 rpm record! 

At that very moment, a strange creature jumps out from behind some bushes, and grabs the valuable record! 

Rosie and Gary cannot believe their eyes! The horrible creature that has been following them from Glirka, across the vast universe, around asteroids, and all the way to Paducah...is...is...wait for it...

Please play dramatic music! 


Big Gazza - "Gidday, Mates! I've been waitin' ta get this bloody record since Matilda was a pup, and now I' m gonna play it on this old, portable, battery operated record player before I share it with the universe! (EVIL LAUGH) HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Rosie - "You can't do that, Big Gazza! If other races of creatures hear, "I Kissed A Glirkazoid, and I Liked It," they will all descend upon our planet by the billions, and want to kiss us, mate with us, and who knows what else with us!!!" 

Big Gazza - "Me no care, pretty girl Glirkazoid! I'm giving this old record a spin right now, just for the fun of it!" (He plays the record)

Big Gazza begins crying and hands the recording back to our super heroes.

Big Gazza - "That's the most beauteous song I ever heard! I cannot take it from you two! It belongs to the Glirkazoids!"

Gary - "Well, Rosie, another mission accomplished! Where shall we go for lunch?"

Rosie - "White Castle, of course!!"


  1. Lol, oh this was awesome!!!!

    1. Thanks, Rosie! You are a star burning brightly in a dark sky! Gods blessings, BFF!
