Wednesday, August 12, 2015


"Those who lose dreaming are lost!" 

The greatest comic and thespian in the universe, Gounderus, has been given the afore mentioned message, delivered by the amazing Australian prophet, Big Gaz. 

 Gounderus                              Big Gaz         

Instead of me going into all the details, go read last week's blog to save me some typing, okay? 

Did you read it? Did you notice the part with Gounderus and Big Gaz? Did you see the part about Gary and Rosie hunting down the big worm?

If not, I suggest you do dat now! I'll wait. 

Let's proceed, gang!

Gounderus - "So, here I am, in my dressing room, rich...famous...adored by my trillions of fans throughout the universe, and about to step out on the stage once again to knock 'em dead with my comedic genius, but something is missing. I should be ecstatically HAPPY, but something is wrong! 
Maybe it has something to do with the message Big Gaz gave me. Naaaah, it couldn't be that!"

Okay! Now through the magic of cinnamontography, we zoom in on an oasis in the middle of a desert, on a distant planet, where Rosie and Gary are tracking down the gargantuan worm of enormous size, who has swallowed the entire populace of the Kia Lambourghini province!

Gary - "I have a brilliant idea, Rosie!"

Rosie - "Oh, boy, that's bad."

Gary - "What did you just mumble, Rosie?"

Rosie - "Uh, I said, Oh, joy, I'm glad!"

Gary - "Have you ever seen a robin listening for worms and then sticking his/her beak into the ground and grabbing a big juicy one?"

Rosie - "Yes, but I don't think..."

Gary - "Well, I'll simply put my ear to the ground here...

When Gary puts his ear to the ground, the enormous worm BURSTS from the earth, and raises Gary up about 222 meters above Rosie! 

Gary - "Yeeeee-haaaaw! I got 'im, Rosie, I got 'im!!!

Rosie - (Yelling up to Gary) "Do you have him, or does he have you?!"

Gary - "Yes, you're right! We need a way to make him "hurl," so the entire province of Kia Lambourghini can be saved!" 

Rosie - "I happen to have the perfect thing to make him throw up, Gary!"

Gary - "What?!"


Gary - "How you gonna get it way up here and put it in his mouth?!"

Rosie - "This ain't goin' in his mouth, it's goin' in his EAR!"

At that, Rosie whips out her trusty little music player, and begins to play this song that she obtained from deleted Earth files...

In a nano second, the big, bad worm upchucks the inhabitants of Kia Lanbourghini, the worm quickly wiggles away, and our super heroes are mobbed by the thankful Kia Lambourghinites!!

At this monumental conclusion to a magnificent story, we segue back to our beloved Gounderus...

However, he is not in that fancy dressing room of the lavish floating theatre, where we saw him earlier.  He is sleeping on the couch in his humble home, on his home planet of Ocixem Wen. He is waking up...

Gounderus - "Where...wha...what happened to my wealth, fame, trillions of fans...?
"Oh, my! It was all just a dream...but I think I got the message! Big Gaz told me, "Those who lose dreaming are lost"...sooo, if I keep on dreaming about success, I will never lose my direction, my motivation, my, uh, let's see...enthusiasm for life..."

All of a sudden, we zoom in on Gounderus again, asleep in his magnificent dressing room...

Stage manager - (Knocking on the door) "Gounderus...5 minutes 'till showtime!"

Gounderus - (Wakes up from a short power nap) " right out! Whee doggies! I must have been dreaming, all along! Ha Ha! Maybe I'll relate my weird dream to the audience! What a larf!! Tee hee, hee hoo..."

In a flash, the scene changes to Gary, sleeping on the poop deck of the Silver Sausage. He awakens with a start!!

Gary - "Rosie, I had the most unusual dream! It was about Gounderus getting a message about dreams, you and me defeating a giant worm who had swallowed a whole province of folks, you making the worm throw up..."

Rosie - "You best stop eating those greasy White Castle hamburgers before you go to bed, buddy!"

Gary - "I guess you're right, Rosie, but it all seemed so real! 

Donna - "Honey, wake up! Are you having a bad dream?!"

Me - "Huh? Wha? No, babe, I just had a very wild and crazy dream, about Rosie and Gary making a worm of gigantic proportions regurgitate a bunch of folks, Gounderus becoming famous, and then NOT famous, but Big Gaz is telling him not to stop dreaming, because that's not cool, and floating theatres that..."

Donna - "Hey, why not put all of that wacky dream in your next Out Of This World Wednesday?"

Me - "Naaah, it would just put everybody to sleep."


  1. Replies
    1. Ha Ha Ha! I'm always amazed that you actually read this crap! Thank you!!

  2. Lol!!!!! This was cool! How did I miss diss? Glad I went backwards. Hehee. Good blog as always. You the man!!!!

    1. Thanks for all the wonderful comments you faithfully post on my blog, Cheryl!!

  3. Danny it is truly an honor to comment on your blog. Your truly such a good friend. Hard to find friends like you.

  4. Oh my. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to read this! Your extraordinary imagination is nothing more than stunning! Your visions are more vivid than any subconscious expression; and you can emote so much with your words, which is so impressive!
    Thank you for allowing me the luxury of sharing my ridiculous dreams. Your support has been astounding. You truly are an exceptional person, Danny!
    I am sorry my dreams haven't panned least, I suppose, I can always dream.
