Wednesday, October 14, 2015


When we last saw Rosie and Gary, they were walking in the gorgeous, awe inspiring Corridor Of Honor, when now they see something that takes their little breaths away! 

The enormously gigantic golden doors of the Grand Chamber Of The Glirkheads, stand glistening in front of them! 

The doors have magnificent carvings of historical events from Glirka's past! 

Depictions of the battle of  Fartnik...the unsuccessful invasion by the Obamarillians...the discovery of  pruk (pruk is the plant based chemical that is added to the Glirkazoid's food and drink, to make them happy)...the One Hour War against the Wimpanites...and right on the glorious golden doors, are life sized representations of Gary and Rosie, in pure 124 carat gold!!! Actually, Gary's image is in the middle of one door, and Rosie's in the middle of the other door!!!

Gary - (With a tear in his eye) "Rosie, I am verklempt! I cannot believe the Supreme Glirkheads were thoughtful enough to have that on the doors!"

Rosie - I know, little buddy. Those carvings of us touch my heart."

Gary - "Carvings of us? What carvings of us? I'm talking about that stack of fresh White Castle hamburgers on that golden shelf, that just slid out of the golden doors! Yuuuummmmmy!"

Rosie - "'re so sentimental! Ha ha ha! Let's eat!!!"

I hope those "belly bombers" don't make our super heroes sick!

The Supreme Glirkheads are sure treating Rosie and Gary wonderfully! I wonder what kind of deadly mission they will give them?

I can't wait until next week, when R&G come face to face with the 5 Supreme Glirkheads! How about you?

Hey! Wait a sec.! I'm writing this, so why wait? Let's have them meet the Supreme Glirkheads right now! 

Gary - "These hamburgers are the BEST, Rosie! I like how the grease soaks right through the box, and how I can squeeze them in to a greasy little ball so I can pop them in my mouth!"

Rosie "I have to admit, they are really good, and...

All of a sudden, the enormous golden doors begin to slowly open, and the Supreme Glirkheads come in to view! Sitting behind a giant "bench," they all look very wise, kind of like Yoda, but with huge teeth! 

Gary - (Whispering to Rosie) "What a relief! They don't have their big teeth extended! That means they won't eat us!"

Rosie - (Whispering to Gary) "Knucklehead...the Supreme Glirkheads aren't cannibals, their big teeth are just a sign of great wisdom...I hope!!"

The Supreme Glirkheads all begin to speak in unison...

Glirkheads - "Come closer, valiant ones, we wish to see you clearly!"

When Rosie and Gary get very close , they notice the sharp, long teeth begin extending out of the mouths of the Supreme Glirkheads!!!!

What's goin' on?

Were the Supreme Glirkheads fattening them up with White Castle hamburgers, simply to devour them?

I'm scared!

Tune in next week to OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY, to find out if Gary and Rosie become brunch!

Bone apple teet!! 


  1. Omg!!!! They are LUNCH! Toast! Mud! MUSH! Or maybeeeeeeeeeee they just want a bite of their boogers. Eueeeewwww. This looks really bad now. I'm scared. Really scared. What if this is the end. Holy cow, Wednesday's would never be the same. (Blubbering) Ha good cliff hangar dude. :)

    1. Your comments have me on the floor, laughing! Thanks, Rosie! Wednesdays would not be the same without your great comments!

  2. Hon, I am always amazed how you come up with these stories! I love the white castle burgers and Yoda!!!!! Hopefully Rosie and Gary don't become brunch!!!!

  3. Replies
    1. I've been called, "The Master Of Suspenders, Big Gaz!
