Wednesday, January 13, 2016


The super-evil Lord Of Demonica has kidnapped two Glirkazoid citizens, and is holding them on the uncomfortable planet of Anti-Morpheus! 

Rosie and Gary have been summoned by the Supreme Glirkheads, to rescue the captives before the Lord Of Demonica tortures them with the dreaded "Reruns Of The View," torture! 

Gary - "Do you know where this Anti-Morpheus planet is located, Rosie?"

Rosie - "I don't need to know, Gary. The Silver Sausage is equipped with a UPS, or Universal Positioning System. I thought you knew that!"

Gary - "I did, but I've never used the cockadoodie thing! I fly by the seat of my pants, girl!"

Rosie - "NOW I know why we are always getting lost. You don't wear pants!"

Gary pantless!

Gary - "Rosie, if I wore pants, my belt would be over my mouth!"

Rosie - "I can see a definite benefit to that, gabby!"

Gary - "Well, I NEVER!"

We now interrupt this fascinating OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY for a special pronouncement...

The in-famous singer songwriter/former custodian has released a new, original song entitled, "Since You Stumbled Through My Door!" 

Make sure you take a listen, before we proceed...Thank you in advance! 

Rosie - "You never WHAT? You always say that, but don't tell me what you never did!!"

Gary - "It's just a figure of speech, "shiver me timbers," or "that dog don't hunt," or "yo mama!"

Rosie - "Yo GOOFY, Gary!! Now let's stop bickerin' and begin rescuin' the helpless victims, before they have to endure Joy Behar!" 

The scene now changes to a dark, dank little room, somewhere on the planet of Anti-Morpheus, where the two captives are bound, hand and foot, and forced to watch...(listen for the dramatic music)

         Click on the chipmunk for dramatic music.

the VIEW!!!!!!!

The door to the dark, dank room slowly begins to open, and in walks the super-ugly Lord Of Demonica...(more dramatic music)

Lord Of Demonica...One butt ugly dude!

Lord Of Demonica - (Larfs an evil larf)  Har, haw, haw, heeee!!!
Are you little Glirkazoids enjoying, chortle, chortle, The View!!!!!(He starts larfing an evil larf again)

As this vicious monster is laughing, we begin to focus in on the two captives, who are being mercilessly tortured...and...and...WE CAN'T BELIEVE WHO THEY ARE!!!!

Join us next week to find out, in OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY!!!!!


  1. Who? Who? I wanna know now. Oh Nooooo ..... It's hard to wait for these things but......... I must.ill just hang by the seat of my pants till next tom. That may be uncompterbull. Lol

    1. If you hang by the seat of your pants, make a video of it! It will go viral! Ha ha ha! Thanks, my FAVORITE friend!!!

  2. Great Blog Honey!! I love the song and video!!
