Sunday, October 21, 2018


This question has bugged me since 1966, when I JOYFULLY sold my Harley Hummer motorcycle to an unsuspecting victim, and NEVER rode ANY motorcycle again, because I have no death wish!! 

                   This is exactly what it looked like...same color and everything.    

I was 15, had extra money from my summer job, and stupid, when I bought the Blue Beast. I didn't call it the Blue Beast then, but I will now, to add a bit of color to the story. 

My intense hatred for the Beast began when it stalled out, in the rain, miles from my house, while I was attempting to make it back before my dad, who made me promise I wouldn't take it off our street, came home.  (I soon found out it stalled out EVERY time it rained).

I'll not share the words my dad used in this family oriented blog, but I was kinda shocked he didn't kill me. In fact, he was surprisingly forgiving about the incident, after he calmed down...almost like he may have had a similar experience as a kid. 

I didn't question it. 

I could not afford a leather jacket or helmet or boots or ANYTHING, so when I slipped on loose gravel (el numero times) it HURT my tender body parts, however, the concussions NEVER damaged my brain.

In addition, it was cold...even when the weather was not that cold. Like at night. The movement of the motorcycle created a Nordic wind that froze my tussie off...especially with my customary, black, muscleman tee shirt on. 

Definitely not me in photo

Conversely, it was HOT, with the sun beating down on my teenage head, in the blistering heat of a St. Louis summer! 

To make it simple, here is a list of things that led me to despise motorcycles...

1. It was next to impossible to carry groceries for my mom.

2. The giant bugs smacked me in the face, teeth and forehead with the tremendous force of cannonballs.
(Small cannonballs).

3. I was really disappointed in the poor performance on ice and snow. 

4. Could not bring my friends to the Drive-In Theater with me. (It was $1.00 a car load back then, so I was missing a great deal!)

5. All the other things I already mentioned.

Okay, now...let's get to the nitty gritty...dirt band! 

The U.S. government FORCES cars to have tons of safety features, which belts, safety glass, air bags, a padded dash, 4...count tires, and a LOT of other stuff too numerous to recount at this time.

Motorcycles, on the other hand, don't need nuttin' honey! 

How does that happen? Sometimes I wonder if the governmental authorities want to eliminate all the motorcycle people   because motorcycles are so stinking LOUD! 

Yeah!! That's another thing! Why can motorcycles be so LOUD and cars have to be quiet? Dudes will even put megaphones on their "bikes" to make them even LOUDER, and WHY do motorcycle folks keep revving up their engines for no other reason than bringing attention to themselves, and why...

I better stop ranting or I'll bust a gasket.

I hope I didn't offend any motorcycle enthusiasts. I know how sensitive you can be. 

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