Sunday, November 4, 2018

45, 085 Have Viewed My Blog
Don't Believe Me? Check It Out!
Simply scroll down the left side of the page to a place that says TOTAL PAGE VIEWS and voi·​là'll see 45, o85!

Sample size.

Probably MORE by now, but, as you know, I'm not one to brag (unlike some historical figures), even though my blog is entitled braggadocious...I mean, Bloggadocious.

Here is an important point to remember, folks! It does NOT say my blog is viewed by humans alone, does it? If you take into account dogs and cats, sitting on laps (hey, that almost rhymes), A.I. robots, dust mites, and extra-terrestrials, it makes all the sense in the whirl that I have so many pageviews!

Does this make you dizzy? It does me!

My nagging problem, besides my aching back, is this question.

If we can conclude that there are SOME humans reading my blog...let's estimate it at 2,222, WHY don't they write me?

You don't call, you don't Email, come knocking on my door, send a telegram, or NOTHING honey!

That's okay. I understand, completely. If I were an avid reader of a blog who's writer was plagued with MAJOR mental instabilities, I would be very leery about having ANY  contact on ANY level! 

Although, I do my very best to stay non-political, I just want to say that Nov. 6 is Tuesday! Or Tuesday is November 6th! Vote in the direction of your conscience, your heart, your educated guess, your cousin Eddie...Oh, I don't know...just vote for Trump...or Obama...or Hillary... and if them guys ain't runnin' for ME!


  1. or maybe it is just 3 of us who keep coming back ?

    1. Thanks, Paul! So happy that there are at least 3 people that are fearless enough to read AND comment! That shows you are GREAT AMERICANS...or maybe space aliens, masquerading as human beans!

  2. Replies
    1. Mucho thanks, Kiel! I truly hope my lowbrow humor doesn't lower your IQ down to 180. I keep thinking, WHY would such a brilliant guy read my dysfunctional blog, and then I say to myself, "don't question it"! "Be thankful and keep on truckin'!
