Monday, December 17, 2018

Christmas Programs At YOUR Church...
Dreams Or Disasters?

Okay, you have a bunch of reluctant, amateur performers, for the most part, many under the age of five, an outdated sound system, not much practice time, always a few missing because of illness, somebody chickening out at the last minute...aside from that, what could go wrong?

I really should not be the one to write about this, because I love ALL Christmas programs, disasters included!

However, I've never been to one of those gigantic Christmas extravaganzas that fancy dancy churches display, with a symphony orchestra, a choir of 500 plus souls, professional singers and actors, and a live nativity scene. (Watch where you step!)

I'm sure I would like one of those deluxe performances as well, but I would miss the little disasters, mistakes, and technical equipment malfunctions that are sure to happen in a small church production like we 
have every year. 

Please don't misunderstand me. We have some tremendous performers at our small church. Click on the link below and you'll see Adam doing a super job on the Christmas version of Hallelujah, that was originally written by Leonard Cohen as a secular song.

Of course, we wouldn't expect Leonard Cohen to write a Christmas song, since he was Jewish, ALTHOUGH...Irving Berlin was Jewish and he wrote "White Christmas. " 

What a great, multi-cultural country, folks!

I think I may be getting off subject a bit.

Christmas programs! That's it!

I get a big kick out of the kids saying the wrong lines, adding funny things accidentally, dancing when they are not supposed to be dancing, and generally messing up, unless it makes them cry, then I feel guity for laughing. 

On the other hand, I don't get a chuckle when I blow it, like I did with my solo, yesterday.

I blame the CD. The CD didn't provide me with enough notes! I need to have a sufficient amount of notes to follow, and there were so few of them! If you don't believe me, watch the video, especially at the beginning, and listen for notes...or lack there of...

As you could clearly hear, I got "off time" because of a lack of notes!

Anyway, EVERYBODY else did wonderful! 

I guess there always has to be the ones to make the gaffs, like Uncle Joe Biden.

It keeps us humble. 

When we start getting too sure of ourselves, God steps in and proves that whatever gifts and talents we have are dependent on him. A "big head" is not attractive to God, or anybody else! 

Now, tell us about YOUR church 
Christmas programs, Christmas shows, and/or EXTRAVAGANZAS. 

Sharing is caring, and we CARE about getting a good laugh...tear...or Christmas cheer!!!

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