Thursday, December 13, 2018

What Is Your Favorite Christmas Song?
I'm Looking For Audience Precipitation

I meant PARTICIPATION, so don't rain on my parade.

I've been getting a record amount of "likes" on my blog, lately, but me thinks it would be fun to have more audience precipitation..participation, to bring an aire of friendly interaction, personal communication and love for our fellow man/woman, in this age of bitter loneliness, isolation and desperadoism. 

 Love this song, but so sad.

Leave us not dwell on the melancholy feelings, but get back to the point of this totally interactive therapy session, shall we?

My favorite, serious, Christmas song is "Mary, Did You Know," or maybe "O, Holy Night."

This is not self promotion..or is it?

My favorite silly Christmas song is, of course, "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer."

I know...I know... I'm ALWAYS asking you to make comments in the comments section on my blog. Why, you ask so inquisitively?

To be honest, it's to find out who is ACTUALLY reading this crap, and who is pressing the "like" button just to be nice. 

Now, don't get me wrong. If you wanna press the "like" button just to be nice, that's okay by me, but it would be super duper to discover what kind of human beans would be wacky enough to read this gibberish every day. 

So who wants to take the lead, and be the first one on your block to share your most favored Christmas song in the comments section below?

You will not be criticized, made fun of, or even ostracized for your ridiculous choice.

past tense: ostracized; past participle: ostracized

  1. exclude (someone) from a society or group.
    "a group of people who have been ridiculed, ostracized, and persecuted for centuries"

    excludeshunspurn, cold-shoulder, reject, shut out, avoidignoresnub, cut dead, keep at arm's length, leave out in the cold; 
    I'm not being condescending by adding the definition 
    of ostracized. I just want to be helpful to each one of my readers, including myself, who wasn't quite sure about 
    the meaning of ostracized until I looked it up.


    1. having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.
      "she thought the teachers were arrogant and condescending"

      Anyway, here are some choices, if you can't decide on what your favorite Christmas song is...

      Soooo, now comes your one chance in a lifetime to just let go and tell the universe what your, personal, all time FAVORITE Christmas song happens to be...ln the comments section below, or on Fazebook, it doesn't really matter which, at this point in the game!


  1. My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night. Always has, always will...

    1. Thanks, Uncle Eddie! What an amazing song! I really appreciate you joining in!
