Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Your Favorite Christmas Movie. 

After reading this little blog post, feel free to share your thoughts on what your favorite Christmas movie is, in the comments section below.

Even if it's something crazy, like Die Hard, or The Nightmare Before Christmas, or Home Alone, we don't care. We are not here to judge your ridiculous opinions that veer way off from the norm.

Of course, the rest of us enjoy the classic, traditional movies that include, Frosty The Snowman, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, A Christmas Carol (all 23 adaptations), Miracle On 34th Street, and...the BEST loved of all...It's A Wonderful Life! (according to a lot of folks)

My favorite is a toss up, between the 1951 classic, A Christmas Carol, starring Alastair Sim, and the 1938 classic, A Christmas Carol, staring Reginald Owens, and Mr. Magoo's, Christmas Carol, in 1962.

As you peruse the examples of Christmas flicks, think carefully about what movie you will place in the comments section at the bottom of the blog, because it will be forever etched, permanently, in your permanent record! 

Please do not include short Christmas clips, like...


Including the above clips, that are extremely adorable, would not be fair to the movies, because the clips only need to capture your attention for a brief moment in time, where as, the movies have to hold your attention for a LONG period of time, and that's more difficult. 

So, have you thought about the movie you want to place in the comments section below? 

Not yet? Okay...

We'll let you think during this intermission.

Okay, go ahead and vote, I mean, share what your favorite Christmas movie is for the sake of posterity! 

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