Thursday, January 31, 2019

Make AMERICA This Blog Great Again!

One of the MAJOR goals in my life is to persuade you readers to get more involved with this blog by making comments.

I know that there are a lot of you faithful readers that are here every day, who only feel like reading, and that's okay.

On the other hand, I also know that some of you guys are very excellent comment makers, who think you are WAY too busy to comment, and you probably ARE too busy, so that's also okay.

In addition, some of you out there (and you know who you are) are afraid to comment, due to Russian collusion, conspiracy stuff that keeps us from sharing our innermost feelings that the Ruuskies could use against us...and that's just weird!

Come on, gang! Ignore what I said before! Ya can't let your fears, your helter skelter lifestyle, or dare I say it, laziness (like I'm guilty of) prevent you from adding a new dimension to this blog by commenting your heads off!

Just think about how your brilliant, funny, or even profound comments can raise the classiness of this blog 1000%! 

ALL of you folks are light years above me in intelligence! 
light year

Dictionary result for light year

/ˈlīt ˈˌyi(ə)r/
plural noun: light years
    a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 × 1012 km (nearly 6 trillion miles).

A comment from you is like the frosting on a birthday cake, the butter on a piece of toast, the top hat on Abe Lincoln, the whiskers on a kitten, that pretty blue color on a 57 Chevy, and anything that transforms something plain to something exceptional!! 

"I can't think of anything to comment on, Danny," you say with deep apprehension. 

Here are some things to choose from, my friends...

1. Comment on why you hate to comment.

2. Comment on the stinking cold weather...unless you live in a pleasant climate area...then brag about how nice it is where you live.

3. Comment about your pet. Everybody loves that!

4. Comment about what you had for breakfast.... especially if it was something out of the ordinary, like cold spaghetti and rocky road ice cream.

5. Do NOT comment on anything political, unless it's gonna make a difference. Hee hee!

6. Comment about your kids and grandkids! That's what a family does...and aren't we ALL family?

Anyway, if you are sincerely opposed to making a comment, no worries...we all have our phobias. 

Conversely, if you are kinda gregarious, and wish to brighten the world with your stimulating, captivating worms WORDS, go on ahead and contribute your comments, in the comments section below.

I KNOW you can do it!!!


  1. Ok Here is my comment!!! I love the pictures of the grandkids and the picture of Benji!! Also, Love you!!!!

    1. I knew I could count on you, baby doll! One comment from you is as good as a million from the world in general!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

  2. I had Mexican food for dinner. There's my comment haha


    1. ¡Maravilloso! ¡Tus palabras significan mucho para mí, hermano!
