Thursday, January 10, 2019

No Theme...Just Freestylin'

Oft times, I sit down here in front of my Sony monitor that came with my original Sony computer that is now in computer heaven, but replaced by a Dell computer providing images on my old Sony screen/monitor, and I just start writing stuff.

It's loads of fun for me, but maybe intolerable for you readers who enjoy having a theme.

I enjoy keeping with a theme, but as I grow older, crankier, and more forgetful, I either forget what the theme is, get too cranky to care, or get anxious for my nap and dispense with a theme altogether.

On the other hand, my conscience bugs me when I don't give you guys...and gals...I thorough, full bodied, comprehensive blog article that makes you say to yourself, "Self, Danny's blog article was REALLY full bodied and comprehensive today...he must be taking his meds again!"

To be totally transparent, I feel like my last couple of articles were not up to snuff, when I shared my phone conversation with "The Donald" and my bizarre infatuation with "The Twilight Zone."

What? Why did I do that? Because my weak, decrepit mind could not think of anything better at the time. I should apologize for those poor excuses for entertainment, but I'm way too proud to humble myself like that. 

The one thing I don't want my blog to be is boring. Even though it is! 

I strive to say things that will surprise you, without shocking you. Make you laugh, without offending you...too much. Raise you up, without bringing myself down to the lowest depths of human existence. 

I remember the day my grandpa picked up a big flat bug that was lazily crawling across his pasture, down in Southeast Missouri. The bug began to click, like those metal bugs with the painted spots we would win as consolation prizes at the carnival. I said, in amazement, "What kind of bug is that, grandpa?" He bent down, with the bug still clicking in his hand, and said, "That's a clickin' bug."

So simple, transparent, honest, thoughtful and kinda funny, all at the same time. I've NEVER forgotten his illuminating worms..words, and I believe it will be unforgettable to y'all as well.

When I write with a reckless abandon, as I'm doing at this very moment in tom, I tend to call it "freestylin'." (Let's leave Tom outta this, okay?)

Freestylin' is like getting into the pilot seat of a 747 and taking off, with no flight instruction whatsoever, giving a speech in front of the Academy Of Arts And Sciences with no notes (like they all do), maneuvering your mountain bike down Mt. Everest with no thoughts of death and dismemberment. 

Yeah, that's the way it should ALWAYS be when I write my blog! No fear! Leap of faith land! Disengage all inhibitions and let it go!

However, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, or step on anybody's toes, or make you feel like you have no voice on my blog. I welcome any and all comments, gladly...good or bad. 

Although, I would rather not see cursing, snarkyness, mean spirited comments, animal bashing, inappropriate sexual content, racial slurs, religious discrimination, fat shaming, skinny shaming, prejudicial judgement, White Castle hating, and making fun of people who are different than you.

In the words of the Beatles...


  1. Thanks for the great entertainment, Danny!

    1. Seriously, Kiel....getting a nice comment from a brilliant guy like you is better than a thousand comments from mere mortals! Thanks, brother!!!
