Monday, March 4, 2019

Whatever You Do, Don't Miss The Tang Commercial With This Blog! 

The last thing I want to do is offend all you Space Cadets, who think the U.S. spaze program is the greatest thing since Tang and Velcro! 

Do we still have a spaze program, or has NASA given it up to Elon Musk? I'm not sure, anymore.

Anyway, what a remarkable feat by Spaz X to send a rocket to nowhere, for reasons I don't really understand. 

I used to complain a lot when silly space shots came out of MY taxes, but now it's SUPPOSED to be privately funded, however, who knows? The SHADOW KNOWS

Going to the moon was cool (if they didn't fake it), but the distances involved in going other places in the universe is much, much more than prohibitive! 

To get the the nearest galaxy, The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, it would take 25,000 years, AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT!

Andromeda is 2,538,000 light years away, and at the speed of light, at which none other than light can travel, it would take 2.54 million years to just get there.

I laugh, sarcastically, at the thought of mankind traveling to other galaxies, like the Star Trek folks.

Ain't gonna happen. Unless worm hole travel technology takes time tunnel traversing to the top traveling tier. (betcha can't say that 3 times fast)

I'm old, old fashioned, not big on technology, and I wish money would be spent on more practical things than spaze exploration that will be VERY limited, due to the afore mentioned impossible distances that makes it all seem silly. Like a microscopic amoeba swimming all the 7 seas! 

Think of this, if you divided all the money that's already been spent on the spaze program in the U.S. alone, and handed it out to every single citizen in America, it would work out to be $757, 000 per person! (I just pulled that number out of the air, but it would be a lot of money)

In addition, if you took all the money from Elon Musk and gave it to me, I would NOT be blowing it on spazeships!! No way!! I'd build bicycle paths EVERYWHERE, to improve the health of folks, cut down on pollution, and keep those two wheeled obstacles away from streets where cars alone should be, buy all of the sports teams and only pay the players $30,000 a year, eliminate PAY T.V. and let advertisers take care of the cost, like it used to be (and it worked out real good), buy all the zoos and release the animals into their natural habitats that I will create if there's not enough natural habitats remaining, and I would do all kinds of nice things like that!

NOT stupid spaze stuff! 

That's my uninformed opinion. If you disagree, please opine in the comments section. 


Dictionary result for opine


  1. hold and state as one's opinion.
    "“The man is a genius,” he opined"

     venturevolunteer, put forward, mootpropoundpositair,

Have a great, down to earth, Monday, my friends!!!


  1. DID Musk have to register that car ? which state ? any auto inspections ? wandering minds want to know !

    1. Sorry! This is all I could find...Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster is an electric sports car that served as the dummy payload for the February 2018 Falcon Heavy test flight and became an artificial satellite of the Sun. ... The car and rocket are products of Tesla and SpaceX, respectively, both companies founded by Elon Musk.
