Monday, June 10, 2019

Remembering What I Forgot!

Okay, folks. I know most of my readers will not want to read my blog today, because I'm so late...AGAIN!

To tell you the truth, I could not think of anything encouraging to write about, until now, at 5:20 pm.

"Writers block" is very unusual for me. Normally I have so many ideas rushing through my positronic brain I can't make up my mom what to share with you guys...and gals! 

I think I got thrown off by life happening. I don't know about you, but when life happens, it can be extremely distracting!

By the way, I can only continue to write this blog until Donna comes home. Once she comes home it's her turn on the computer and I have to stop cold turkey!

I best type faster! 

So, as I was saying, before I rudely interrupted myself, I finally found something positive, uplifting, and encouraging to write about! 

It's...uh..I mean...NOW I FORGOT!!

No worries. I'll merember before I stop ex-communicating with y'all, 

I think it was my cruel, sadistic high school football coaches that are responsible for my memory loss.

They would have the whole team stand in a circle, throw a football in the middle of said circle, and we had to dive head first for the football, which led to concussions and unconsciousness, they tell me.

Of course, I have no recall of this barbaric drill, but innocent bystanders related the story to me in it's aftermath.

On the other hand, my memory malady, could be from something I wrote about in one of my books.

I think the story is in my classic book, "Chicken's Butts And Coconuts," but I don't remember for sure.

I would stand between my mom and dad in the front seat of our old Ford, that had a solid steel dashboard.

Occasionally my dad would make a quick stop, and mom would block me from bumping my punkin' head with her outstretched arm, but sometimes she was not quick enough and I'd fly head first into the immovable sisters told me. 

Then there was the infamous day when I walked in front of the swings and got 14 stiches in my punkin' hade, from the corner wooden seat!

No wonder I can't remember I was gonna talk about the little sparrow chasing the moth this morning. My mind is mostly mush from multitudes of mighty blows to my brain!

Hey! I merembered! 

So, you know how moths fly, right? All erratic, up, down, back and forth. As I was watching him, or her, flying so delightfully reckless abandonedly, I see a little sparrow swoop in to eat the moth, but he, or she, is having to fly just as erractically to try and catch the moth! I don't know, it just looked very comical to me. I never saw if the sparrow ever caught the moth, because they flew behind the garage and out of sight.

Not I great story? I know. I'm just happy I finally merembered it!! 

Donna's home!! I gotta go!!! 

1 comment:

  1. One thing I can NEVER how truly magnificent your mind is! Indeed, as the years dance the watusi on our collective consciousness, we may lose our sharpness. But you, Danny, get better with age! You display it perfectly here!

    You seem to be having difficulty accessing that vast and fertile landscape that is your mind; but we all have trouble focusing on a specific acre within. You kept that wagon train rollin', and over hill and dale, the rolling hills of your mind began to reveal your destination. Now the beauty of what you did hre was to work through the hiccup by opening your mind even more! It was a delight reading you getting your second wind, and witness your stream of consciousness unfurl like a tightly folded flag!
    The result was a charming story about a moth and a sparrow! Wow, Danny - I love the vividness of your mind!
    Oh...and I remember those hitting drills in football! Whoever came up with idea of merciless bombardment on innocent youthful bodies is just sick. But, it builds character, right? Uhm...ya. Anyway. Thanks for delighting me with another great revelation of your wonder mind!
