Wednesday, July 3, 2019

4th Of July Reflections Today...Because No Blog For You Tomorrow!

Let me apologize to all you millions of readers who were looking forward to "Out Of This World Wednesday" today. I'm putting it on hold to say a few worms about the "Fourth Of July," "Independence Day," the day we celebrate FREEDOM!

I know, I know, I recently wrote about how we are losing many of our freedoms in America, but we can still be thankful and proud that for so many years we've had an abundance of freedoms that many countries would, literally, die for.

I'm not gonna go into great detail of how George Washington and friends led the way to freedoms door, away back in the 18th century, or was it the 17th century? I never can get that straight! I wish "they" would make the 1700's the 17th century, the 1800's the 18th century, and so on!

It's kinda like daylight savings time. Keep the time the same, year around! The vast majority of folks (according to polls and man on the street interviews), HATE the time changes! Either eliminate daylight savings time, and keep regular time, or eliminate regular time and keep daylight savings time! Make up your mom!

Although I've slightly veered from my original subject, I think we've accomplished something very impotent! Don't you?

So, on the remarkable day of eating and drinking (which is tomorrow if you forgot), gathering of families, watching fireworks, swimming, fishing, playing the great American game of bazeball...whatever you do, don't forget the stalwart men and women who sacrificed their lives and fortunes to give us the freedoms we enjoy today!

In addition. if you believe in God, give Him thanks for our freedom! If you don't believe in God, give Him thanks anyway. Why take chances, huh?

Have a healthy, safe, fun 4th of July, tomorrow, but don't forget to remember George, Thomas, Ben, the U.S. military and God! Not necessarily in that order.