Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tell Us The GOOD Things About America!

I don't know why "they" call this the "dog days" of summer when my dog HATES this hot weather!

I take Chevy out for his walkie and he hurries on home real quick-like, so he can poop in the air conditioning. 

I don't really blame him. 

Okay...enough about the sweltering heat. 

Yesterday Ben Carson was talking about all the good things America has to offer, in the midst of so many "negative Nancy's, Alexandria's, Ayanna's, Ilhan's, and Rashida's complaining about BAD, NASTY, America.

You remember Ben Carson, right? The guy who came up from poverty in Detroit, to become a world class pediatric brain surgeon? 
Click on link below for the whole story... 

Millions of folks are flooding into America for a better life. It can't be all THAT bad, can it?

So, as a small focus group, let's share what's great about America, and being an American.

I'll start. 

1.We have a great interstate highway system (thanks to Dwight Eisenhower, I think), where we can drive from state to state to state, without any checkpoints, having to show our papers, getting searched, or nuttin' honey!

2. (Now, this is for you to put in your 2 cents)________________________________.

3. We whipped Hitler's hiney, and freed the Jews from the death camps at the end of WW2! (DEATH camps...not to be confused with detention centers)

4. (Okay, now you)__________________________________.

5. After we win wars, we don't kill and enslave the ones we defeated. In fact, we spend billions of dollars to restore them back to BETTER than they were! Look at Japan, for example!


6. (Your turn____________________________.

7. America invented ice cream cones, the Corvette, slinkees, baseball cards, Disneyland AND DisneyWORLD, color tv, country music, Twinkies, silly putty, American Bandstand, White Castle Hamburgers and many things of lesser importance!

8. (You have the final word)________________.

Seriously , folks! America has made mistakes, but we've always tried to correct them.

For instance:

Mistake - Slavery

Correction - Slaves were freed by the blood of Americans who were willing to die for their freedom.

Mistake - Women were placed in a subordinate position in society.

Correction - Now women RULE in America! If you think they don't, you're living in a fantasy world, or Saudi Arabia. 

Women are NOT victims, as those "negative Nancy's" try to claim. In America, women are super great at taking charge of situations, becoming CEO's of major companies, remembering things men have forgotten about/that happened MANY years ago, multi-tasking, outwitting their husbands, well...this song explains it...

So, in the comments section, below, tell us the GOOD things about America, so we can complete our list! I did one, three, and five, so you can do 2, 4, and 6!

I'm counting on you great Americans to chime in! You'll feel like true patriots in the aftermath!!

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