Friday, August 16, 2019

Elvis Passed Away 42 Years Ago?

42 years ago, today, the greatest entertainer of all time (in my personal opinion) passed away at the age of 42. 

The whole world mourned. 

I was so fortunate to have been born at the perfect time to watch his entire career skyrocket into the stratosphere. 

From his first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show to his record breaking performances in Las Vegas, he brought audiences to their feet in pure excitement, or made them weep, as he sang sweet, tender ballads or gospel tunes. 

It didn't hurt that he was so good looking that women fell in love with him and men wanted to BE him, which is evident from all the guys who did their best to imitate him. 

His voice was so velvety smooth that he could have sung the numbers in a phone book and it would have sounded wonderful! (I'll explain phone books to you young whipper snappers if you send me a text)

Elvis loved his mother, his country, his family, and his fans! Even though he fell victim to pain killers, he continued providing amazing entertainment to his fans up to the end!

There will never be another Elvis, and I'm so happy to have grown up in his era. 

In conclusion, my favorite Elvis movie is Blue Hawaii, and here is my favorite scene...

Maybe my favorite scene from ANY movie!!!


  1. I love this blog so much, but it's also sad! The King of Rock & Roll loves on!! Love you so much!!!

    1. Thank you, baby! Elvis still lives in our hearts!!
